Sree Vallabha Kshetram
#Keralatemples 🚩

Sree Vallabha Kshetram is located at Thiruvalla in Pathanamthitta district, situated on the banks of river Manimala.
Temple is one among 108 Divya Desam.
Mahavishnu appeared here as Sreevallabhan for Durvasa Muni.

It is believed that Durvasa Muni and Saptharishis reach every midnight to worship Mahavishnu. This is the only temple where Kathakali is staged daily.

Story says that vigraham of Sree Vallabha was made by Viswakarma and was given to Satyaki at the end of Dwapara Yuga.
Mahavishnu asked Garuda to safeguard vigraham and Garuda kept safe in Netravati river. Later, the ruler of Kerala Cheraman Perumal had a dream that the Krishna vigraham was lying on Netravati river. After searching the Vigraham was found and Cheraman Perumal
built a temple at here at Thiruvalla and Prathishta was done as per rituals.
Kshetram is also called Vaishnava Tirupathy. Those who couldn't travel Tirupathy offer their worship here.

Om Stree Vallabhaya Namah
Om Namo Narayanaya

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