Aathi Kumbeshwara swamy #Temple - Mahadev Shiva is the main deity here. Aathi is primordial origin implies ancient. The Kumbeswarar is in Shiva Linga form which is a formless form - called aaru (formless)+uru (form)=aaruuru. @LostTemple7

The shape of lingam is of very special significance its in conical shaped lingam, This is unique in the world. The #Sattology derives the meaning of the shape & the name. The city name #Kumbakonam itself derived from the name of Mahadev - Kumba @Itishree001 @almightykarthik
& the slight angle of the Linga, hence the name "#Kumbakonam".
It is one of the 127 temples on the southern banks of river #Cauvery. It's mentioned as, 'Thirukkudamooku' in 'Thevaram',at present its called #Kumbakonam. It is a prime #Temple @Elf_of_Shiva_ @hathyogi31 @RajeAiyer
amidst many temples in #kumbakonam. The presiding Murti is 'Adhikumbheswara' & His consort is 'Mangalambika'. It is also one of the 64 saktibheta sthala.
The presiding deity is revered in the 7th century Tamil Shaiva canonical work, the Tevaram, @KanchiMatham
written by Tamil sage poets known as the #Nayanmars & classified as Paadal Petra Sthalam. The temple complex covers an area of 30,181 sq ft & houses four Gopurams. The tallest is the Eastern Gopuram, with 11 stories & a height of 128 feet. The temple is approached @Jayalko1
by a corridor 330 ft (100 m) long and 15 ft (4.6 m) wide. The temple has numerous shrines, with those of Kumbeswarar & Mangalambigai Amman being the most prominent. The most notable hall in #Temple complex is the sixteen-pillared hall built during the Vijayanagar period
that has all the 27 stars & 12 #ZodiacSigns sculpted in a single stone. During cosmic dissolution, a pot containing nectar (Amrut) was floating & Mahadev came in the disguise of a hunter & pierced the pot with an arrow, thereby making nectar to flow through @InfoVedic
it's nostril on all sides. Hence this place is named Kudamooku (kuda - pot; mooku - nostril). The objects such as mango leaf,sacred grass (Dharbha),hoop (uri), Bell tree leaf (Bilva), coconut & the sacred thread (poonool) @DivineElement @rightwingchora @DograTishaa
which adorning the pot fell into different places due to whirl wind. They appeared as Shiva lingas & later on they became Shiva temples. As per puranas the genesis of life happened by Thiru Vilaiaadal (divine play) of Mahadev here, & from here all the living beings originated.
This temple outer prahara has an important shrine called as Kumba muni Siddhar.There are five silver-plated chariots in the temple used to carry the temple deities during festive occasions. It is spread over 4 acres in the center of the town. @JyotiKarma7 @pujari_anup
The temple has 3 concentric compounds, elongated along an east–west axis has triple set of gopurams.
Temple elephant name is also Mangalam.

Pic Credit: @KanchiMatham , Google & Flickr
#SanatanaDharma #SanatanaSanskriti #Sattology #TamilNaduTemples #Kumbakonam #FreeTNTemples

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