I'll try & make this as concise as possible.
I know many are bitter about the abuse on the matter.

However as Christians, we should be more focused on what God is saying than on how we feel/want it.

So with open minds let's fix this shall we 💁🏽‍♂️

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I'll be dealing comprehensively with the following areas on the subject of Tithe & Tithing:

1. Types of Tithe
2. Origin of Tithe
3. Seeing that Christ has 'paid it all', is it proper for new testament Believers give Tithe?

Many argue that tithe should be eaten, & they quote Deuteronomy 14v23.
That's because they don't know that there are 3 types of Tithes according to the OT regulation of tithing

To save us the stress of many scriptural references to prove this I'll show you this👇🏽
Tithe 1.
The yearly tithe consecrated to the LORD & given to the priests. (Lev 27v30, Num 18v28)

Tithe 2.
The Tithe of the 7th year which was sold & eaten. (Deut 14v22-26)

Tithe 3.
The Tithe of the 3rd year given to the Levites & the less privileged. (Deut 14v27-29)
That's just for clarity about the idea of tithe is to be eaten & not given to the Priesthood.

For all it's worth to some, all that is OT regulation.

That was merely the regulation built around tithe, but tithe didn't come from the law.

So let's see the origin of tithe
ORIGIN - Who first gave Tithe?

Abraham the friend of God & the father of all faithful. Every new creation in Christ is Abraham's seed & heirs according to the promise.

Abraham first gave tithe.
Tithe came before the law. Tithe is independent of the law.

Please stay with me..
The Law which established the levitical priesthood, came 430 years after God's covenant & promise to Abraham.

That means in his days there was nothing like the law of Moses🤷🏽‍♂️

So to whom did Abraham pay Tithe?

Melchizedek, King of Salem & Priest of the most High God.
Where did Jacob learn tithe from? His father Abraham. But u don't read his father handing it down to him as a law.

Every new creation is a child of Abraham in Christ (Gal 3:29).

Jesus said "if you were Abraham's children you will do what Abraham did."
Now who was Melchizedek?

He was a King-Priest with no trace to any earthly ancestry or kingdom.

Melchizedek was a similitude of the Son of God in the OT, & he remains a priest "forever".

It is reckoned that even Levi paid tithe to this Priest while yet unborn
Jesus came from Judah, a tribe of Kings.
By tradition, Priests don't come from Judah, except from the tribe of Levi.

Jesus our high priest was called in the order of Melchizedek. An eternal & higher priesthood than Levi.

Scriptural scholars should know where I'm heading already
Tithe was paid by Abraham, our father, to the eternal priesthood of Melchizedek.

Jesus is our high priest in the order of Melchizek!

For those who argue that the Levi priesthood is past, you're right. But Tithe is a commitment to the eternal priesthood of Melchizedek not Levi
Levi's priesthood is past & replaced with the eternal priesthood of Melchizedek, Jesus Christ.

Tithe began with the eternal priesthood of Melchizedek not Levi. Even Levi paid tithe to this priesthood.

Our father Abraham gave the tithe to the eternal priesthood. We're his seed!
That priesthood still exist today to receive the tithe from Abraham's seed & bless them.

The Law didn't nullify God's Covenant promise to Abraham & his seed (the new creation).

So the existence or Oblivion of the law has nothing to do with tithing & the Promise.


I believe the origin & the priesthood of tithing should easily answer this already.

Tithing is not a law but a commitment of faith to the eternal priesthood of Christ.

God said, give the tithe that there be "meat in my house" (Malachi 3:10)
And the apostle Paul alludes to that when he said "he that works on the altar feeds from the altar"(1Cor9:13-14)

Too many complaining about Pastor's eating Tithe but that's God's order.

It's really not your business what they do with it. At the end they have God to answer to.
In conclusion, what is that one thing that you can give God that belongs to God?

Jesus said, "give unto God Caesar what is Caesar's & give unto God what is God's" (Matt 22v21)

Again in Luke 11v42, He encouraged them to pursue good works without neglecting tithing.
I've taken this time to show you the truth about tithing & it's relevance to us.

Take your time & investigate the scriptures properly to see if this be so.

But if any wants to be contentious, we have no other custom nor the churches of God.


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