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अस्य श्री गायत्री ध्यान श्लोक:
(gAyatri dhyAna shlOka)
• This shloka to meditate personified form of वेदमाता गायत्री was given by Bhagwaan Brahma to Sage yAgnavalkya (याज्ञवल्क्य).

• 14th shloka of गायत्री कवचम् which is taken from वशिष्ठ संहिता, goes as follows..

• मुक्ता-विद्रुम-हेम-नील धवलच्छायैर्मुखस्त्रीक्षणै:।
muktA vidruma hEma nIla dhavalachhAyaiH mukhaistrlkShaNaiH.

• युक्तामिन्दुकला-निबद्धमुकुटां तत्वार्थवर्णात्मिकाम्॥
yuktAmindukalA nibaddha makutAm tatvArtha varNAtmikam.

• गायत्रीं वरदाभयाङ्कुश कशां शुभ्रं कपालं गदाम्।
gAyatrIm vardAbhayANkusha kashAm shubhram kapAlam gadAm.

• शंखं चक्रमथारविन्दयुगलं हस्तैर्वहन्ती भजै॥
shankham chakramathArvinda yugalam hastairvahantIm bhajE.

This shloka describes the form of वेदमाता गायत्री.

• It says, "She has five faces which shine with the colours of a Pearl 'मुक्ता', Coral 'विद्रुम', Gold 'हेम्', Sapphire 'नील्', & a Diamond 'धवलम्'.

• These five faces are symbolic of the five primordial elements called पञ्चमहाभूत:' which makes up the entire existence.

• These are the elements of SPACE, FIRE, WIND, EARTH & WATER.

• All these five faces shine with three eyes 'त्रिक्षणै:'.
Pls Read

भारत की मिट्टी में एक महान योद्धा स्कन्दगुप्त विक्रमादित्य का जन्म हुआ। जब संसार की सारी प्राचीन सभ्यताओं नें सबसे खूंखार और बर्बर हूणों के सामने घुटने टेक दिए तब हूणों के आतंक का विनाश करने यह महान् योद्धा ..

स्कन्दगुप्त निकल पड़े जिनका पराक्रम पूरे विश्व में अमर हुआ।
परमवीर स्कन्दगुप्त के महाप्रताप को जानने के लिए ये हूण कौन थे, कहां से आए थे और क्या चाहते थे इसको पहले समझना होगा।

हूण एक अमानुष बर्बर जाति के लोग थे जिन्होंने यूनान, मिस्र, ग्रीस और रोम को राख का ढ़ेर बना दिया था। ये इतने बर्बर थे कि बच्चों को चीर फाड़ कर, महिलाओं की दुर्दशा करके, फिर उनको जला कर, भून‌ कर खाते थे।

तीसरी और चौथी इसवी तक हूणों के अत्याचारों से सम्पूर्ण यूरोप थर्रा उठा था और देखते ही देखते समूचा रोमन साम्राज्य भी अतीत का हिस्सा बन गया। खूंखार हूण जब अट्टहास कर के जब रूस की ओर बढ़े तो वोल्गा नदी रूस के लोगों के रक्त से लाल हो उठी।

चीन और मंगोलिया के उत्तर पश्चिमी हिस्सों में जन्में बर्बर हूण प्रजाति की घुसपैठ से महाकाय चीन भी त्राहि त्राहि कर रहा था। हूण सबसे पहले बच्चों को निशाना बनाते थे ताकि अगली पीढ़ी नष्ट हो जाए इसके बाद वो महिलाओं को उठा ले जाते थे और पुरुषों को तड़पा तड़पा कर मारते थे। ..
Part 2/2: List of 139+ Temples demolished to build m∆sjids in #UttarPradesh (Rest of the districts)

The first part had 134+ Temples frm 22 districts!!

273+ Hindu, Jain & Buddhist #Temples were destroyed by INVADERS, in 43 districts of UP!


XXIII #Jalaun District

1 Kalpi

i Chaurãsî Gumbad complex of tombs. Many temple sites.

ii D∆rgãh of Shãh Abdul Fath Alãi Quraishi (1449) Temple site

iii Darg∆h of Shãh Bãbû Hãjî Samad (1529) Temple site

iv DeoDhi or Jãmi M•sjid (1554) Temple site

2 Katra, Møsjid (1649) Temple site

XXIV #Jaunpur District

1 Jaunpur

i Atãlã M°sjid (1408) Atala Devi Temple materials used

ii Daribã M∆sjid. Vijayachandra's Temple materials used

iii Jhãñjarî Masj!d. Jayachandra's Temple materials used

iv Lãl Darwãzã Måsjid. Temple materials from a Temple at Varanasi used

v Hammam Darwãzã Ma$jid (1567-68) Temple materials used

vi Ibrãhîm Bãrbak-kî-Masj!d inside the Fort (1360) Temple materials used

vii Jãmi Masj!d. Pãtãla Devî Temple site.

viii Akbarî Bridge on the Gomatî. Temple materials used

ix Khãlis Mukhlis or Chãr Angulî M°sjid. Temple site

x Khãn Jahãn-kî-M∆sjid (1364) Temple site

xi Rauzã of Shãh Fîruz. Temple site.

2 Shahganj, D∆rgãh of Shãh Hazrat Alî. Temple site.
#JANENDRA_YASHODHARMAN (532 A.D.) the King of MALWA ~ #A_Forgotten_Hero

गुप्तों के पतन तथा हूणों के आक्रमण काल में मालवा में जनेन्द्र यशोधर्मन नामक प्रतापी एवं वीर सम्राट का अभ्युदय हुआ। उसने हूण सम्राट मिहिरकुल को पराजित कर हूणों से भारत की रक्षा की।

मन्दसौर स्तंभ लेख ५३३ ई० में यशोधर्मन का वर्णन इस प्रकार किया गया है...

"ये भुक्ता गुप्तनाथैर्न सकलवसुधाक्रान्त दृष्टप्रतापैर्नाज्ञाहूणाधिपानां क्षितिपति मुकुटध्यासिनीयान्प्रविष्टा।
आलौहित्यापकंठात्लवनगहनोपत्यकादा महेन्द्रादागंगाश्र्लिष्टसानोस्तुहिनशिखरिण पश्र्चिमादापयोधे।"

अपने राज्य की सीमाओं को लांघ...उन देशों की विजय की जिन्हें गुप्तों तक ने न भोगा था... और उसनेे ऐसे देशों पर भी आक्रमण किये जिनमें हूण तक प्रवेश न कर सके थे।

लौहित्य (ब्रह्मपुत्र) से महेंद्र पर्वत तथा हिमालय से पश्चिमी सागर तक के सारे राजा उसकी अर्चना करते थे। मिहिरकुल नें भी जिसने भगवान शिव को छोड़ कर किसी के सामने सिर नहीं झुकाया था, उसके चरणों का मस्तक से स्पर्श कर अभ्यर्थना की थी।
LW & RW Part 2

Time to replace the terms Right Wing & Left Wing with 'Rational & Irrational Sides'?

Go through the Part 1 thread first, you'll understand better.

The terms LW & RW, originated during French Revolution, has completely lost its significance & are not relevant anymore, atleast in #IndianPolitics.

It is time to use more broader words "Rational & Irrational" instead of "RW & LW".

Let's understand how..


RSS which is a Right Wing Org,

But at the same time it is "Anti FDI", "Anti Capitalist" & a wing of RSS, "the Labour Organization" has raised its voice many times in favour of "Pro Labour Rights" which are basic features of LW.

So will you say that RSS is a LW Org?


Congress which is traditionally a Left to the centre party, in 1991 it introduced the most revolutionary economic reform, the LPG reforms (Liberalisation, Privatization & Globalisation), which are related to free market economy.

So, has Congress become a RW party??


BJP is traditionally a Centre Right party.

But it follows all "Socialist Policies of Welfare State" like Manrega.
Did BJP ever try to stop these policies..?

No, actually BJP promotes these.

So should we say that BJP is a LW party??
A scholar of Ayurveda in 600BC, identified 5 mosquito species as source of a "King of Diseases" causing chills & fevers.

For next 2500 yrs ur "Allopathy" & whole world thought, it causes due to Bad Air & named it MALARIA : Mal = Bad, Aria = Air.

This is the legacy of #Ayurveda

A British scientist named Joseph Constantine Carpue wrongfully accessed details of traditional Indian surgery (Ayurvedic) & Using these techniques, he performed world’s first “modern Rhinoplasty” 20 yrs later.

This is Your loved #Allopathy


And some over educated doctors makes fun of

WHY THE HELL WEB MED is praising AYURVEDA? FOR WHAT JOY..?? Are they sifting their optics from alopathy to AYURVEDIC therapy to cure a disease... Can Dr. Anomitro reply to

O Idi0t @shakirqad that wasn't any private report of Pt. Anand Koul that was a research text of Archeological Survey of India.
It is just a page of your destructive & blo0dy History.

The layout of Jamia Mosque resembles a Buddhist chaitya hall, while the ceiling of the central chamber is supported by four wooden columns.

Which was seen in the temples of medieval Kashmir

The whole structure is surmounted by a multi-tiered pyramidal roof with an open square pavilion (brangh) in the centre. The brangh is crowned by a spire... which was a part of Hindu and Buddhist building traditions.

Read along!
A Muslim chronicler writes in Baharistan-i-Shahi "Hindus were forcibly converted to Islam and were massacred in case they refused to be converted And Sikandarpura (a city laid out by Sultan Sikandar) was laid out on the debris of the destroyed temples of the Hindus.

In the neighborhood of the royal palaces in Sikandarpur, the Sultan destroyed the temples of Maha-Shri built by Praversena and another by Tarapida. The material from these was used for constructing a ‘Jami’ mosque in the middle of the city.”