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What do we really mean when we say “Gamification?” 👇🏼🧵

We have to stop using the term “gamification” to describe tricking people into doing what we want.

Games can indeed revolutionize learning, but only when approached the right way.

Teachers all over the world try to apply “gamification” in their classrooms—the leaderboard at the front of the class, the stickers collected on the corners of desks…

We trade good behavior for pizza parties and study time for games of Jeopardy.

Parents try these at home too. I remember my mom tried to use a sticker system to get me to clean my room and do homework.

And it worked! For about a week...

Even companies like Amazon try to “gamify” things to make work more “exciting” for employees.

But these tactics aren’t games.

They’re “pointsification”

Pointsification ties to external motivation—free time, tasty treats, or bragging rights. It’s taking the things that are least essential to games and making them the core of the experience.
Today we launch our coverage of @gumroad: the online checkout and product page for creators.

We dug into the data, built a revenue model, and interviewed creators and entrepreneurs to understand what @gumroad could be worth. 👉

As @ljin18 points out, the unbundling of work has fueled the growth of a broad ecosystem of tools for creators.

Today, we’re seeing a rebundling of that ecosystem across both all-in-one platforms (@stir, @podia) and best-in-class products (@gumroad).

.@gumroad’s mission is to be the easiest way to get started selling goods online, whether that’s a digital brush set, a photograph, a video, an app—or virtually anything else. They added memberships in 2020, and courses are next.

The company has facilitated $400M+ GMV since its inception. In 2020, COVID tailwinds drove 90% YoY growth, with more than $9M in revenue coming in on $142M in GMV.

.@gumroad is big with new creators and those making under $10,000 per year because of the ease of setup and 6.5% (blended) take rate, low relative to other online marketplaces like:

- eBay: 10%
- Etsy: 12%
- Cameo: 25%
The topic this week: Marketing for Creators 101

@austinschless and I have put together a list of 26 tips, threads, and people to follow to level up your marketing👇

1/ 10 significant lies about marketing @GrowthTactics

2/ The $0 marketing store @_Sahil_oo7

3/ How to successfully launch a startup @Nicolascole77

4/ Marketing with a $0 budget @jamierusso