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What to do when u first save money?❓

Do u straight away invest in equities/shares?🤔

A simple thread🧵explaning how u can systematically create a structured portfolio on ur own.

Hit "Retweet" to educate maximum retail/small investors

Lets go👇


Step No 1.-

Golden Rule of Finance-


🧪In the starting years as an investor save as much as u can.
🧪Cut down as much as u can on discretionary spending.
🧪Initial years are tough as capital comes in slowly and seeds for compounding are being laid


Step No 2:-

Buy a health insurance:-

Health insurance will protect your portfolio against undue shocks of unforeseen hospitalization

A detailed review of how to buy health insurance is

Step No 3:-

Buy a Life Insurance(If required):-

Evaluate the need for life insurance.

If need be buy a term plan.

A detailed review of how to buy life insurance is

Step 4:-

Evaluate ur life goals

Goals can be:-
🧪Buying a house
🧪Child's Marriage
🧪Child's Education

Evaluate the year in which the goal will be achieved with the amount of estimated amount

#RS is an indicator which helps in finding strong stock or index in the market.

This learning thread would be on
"𝙐𝙨𝙚𝙨 𝙤𝙛 𝙍𝙚𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙩𝙝"

Shared some strategy.

Like👍 & Retweet🔄for wider reach and for more such learning thread in the future.


Most of us would confuse it with Relative Strength Index (RSI) but Relative Strength is a different indicator.

We have already covered about "Uses of RSI" in below thread👇

One can go through this if you haven't.


Now coming to Relative Strength (RS).

It is basically a strategy used in momentum investing which shows strength or weakness between two asset classes (two stocks, index, commodity).

One can read about this in below

As of now, I am using this indicator on .@tradingview platform.

It's free and one can add it in their Tradingview account as well, using this link👇

There are multiple variants in this as well. Some traders use multiple time frame RS.


RS basically compares returns of one stock/index with the returns of benchmark stock/index at a particular time horizon.

Let's say, I want to analyze TCS and Benchmark Index is Nifty.

The cash strategy 👇☢️👇

1⃣ #stock selection process - always choose that stock which are consolidating near all time high.

(Because whenever stock will give all time high breakout then it will easily give 20/30% return in 1/2 months

U can use trading view scanner for that.

2⃣volume analysis - In that consolidating period volume should be high of up move days then down move days. And last 3/4 month volume of accumulation is much higher.

3️⃣ fund diversification - always deploy your capital in 3/4 stocks, not more then that or not less then 3.

And, your 3/4 stocks must be from different different sectors.

4⃣comunding magic - If you hold 10 stocks then if 2 stocks will give 100% return then portfolio impact is 20% only. (here time period is 8/15 months)

If you hold 3 stocks out of them 2 will give 40% then ur portfolio impact is 25%
(Here time period is 1/3 months)

5⃣sectors analysis - always choose that sector stocks which are near support or breakout stage.

If any stocks is out of nifty sector then u can open stock scanner website and check their peer charts. If out of 5 , 3 are strong then u can select that company.

12 to 15% is easily achievable nowadays without taking much risk even though the capital is 10 crores due to leverage :)

Invest 10 crore in liquid, debt, gilt, T-bills, 10-20% equity that will give 6 to 7% average returns every year.


Rest can be made by selling far otm penny options only on expiries. They are trading at good premiums due to leverage and can be easily manageable if goes wrong. Thus targeting only 0.15% returns in a week
0.15% x 52 weeks = 7.8%

6% in MFs + 7.8% in trading = 14% returns


Now comes the hard part, doing this every week without getting bored and without affecting one's psychology is the most difficult part. And since we start making money, we take higher risks which can eventually wipe out profits.


And those who think about blackswan event all the time can do it only call side. And it's purely intraday & only will be done on expiry days, so chance of Black Swan, that too on upper side is mostly impossible. If there is any case as such before, do let know in comments