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Barley became the Aryans' initial staple food, and is also mentioned in the Rigveda.

Later texts mention wheat, lentils, millets, and sugarcane.

The most popular lentils used were red lentils, green lentils, and black lentils. Apupa is a form of cake prepared by frying barley

Khapli wheat was grown commercially in the Indian subcontinent since historic times.

Moreover, khapli is hulled wheat, which means that husks enclose the grain. During threshing, the outer chaff does not release the grain.

Another wheat species called Mihi, cultivated in Punjab during the Indus Valley Civilization (2600 - 1900 BCE) has vanished completely today.

The Aryans brought wheat grains to India & possibly this crop spread from its place of origin to European countries

The importance of hulled wheat in past societies is hardly reflected in their current status as a minor and ever declining crop grown in isolated and marginal areas in the world.

The earliest evidence of cultivation of Khapli wheat comes from the Neolithic archaeological site of Mehrgarh (6000 - 5000 BCE), currently in Pak.

However archaeological findings from Kunal in Haryana, Kanishkapura in Kashmir, Harappan settlement of Rohira in Punjab