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After a tip and some research it turns out Alexander Denys Lyon Wilkinson went to the school of the elite because his family IS the British elite.

1. Two uncles in the Victorian Order(knighthood) and daddy was a Member of Parliament for 3 decades.

2. His uncle was Sir William Henry Nairn Wilkinson. He gets the Sir title becaude he waa knighted.

3. His uncle Richard Wilkinson is a Commander of the Victorian Order and former chair of the Board of Governors for the University of Winchester.

4. His father was John Arbuthnot Du Cane Wilkinson; a Conservative Member of Parliament from 1970-1974 and 1979-2004.

5. John's obituary mentions Alex. His main claims to fame were causing trouble within his own party by being further right than most other Conservatives.

"Du Cane" was the pen name Alex used at
The Georgian DTRA bioweapon leak is back up, grab shit while you can'

thread with relevant documents from
related to Gilead, DTRA and other topics
(including some bizarre and deadly inventions by an American engineer of death)

1. Category: Biological weapons delivery vehicles
UAV to spread infected insects in the air
US Patent No. 8,967,029 dated March 3, 2015
Unmanned aerial vehicle for the spread of infected insects in the air

2. Hollow ammunition for a capsule with toxic content
US Patent No. 8,794,155 dated August 5, 2014
The invention is an ammunition for hand-held firearms, with the help of which it is possible to hit the object with toxic substances.

3. Toxic Substance Trap Cartridge
US Patent No. 9,052,175 dated June 9, 2015
The patent discloses a cartridge for a pistol or machine gun filled with chemical or biological agents.
So I've mentioned the sharpie test and the tueller drill.

Another reason you are dead within 1.5 seconds of encountering your first fast zombie, is adrenaline.

Most people who get attacked with a knife and survive to talk about it, say they never even knew a knife was there.

Or that they'd been stabbed, until after the fact.

In many cases, they think they'd just been punched, and are completely surprised

One reason the adage is "the winner is the one who dies in the ambulance, not the gutter," is because it's entirely possible to receive a fatal wound, not realize it, and then inflict a fatal wound on the other guy without *him* realizing it.

A dozen times within 30 seconds.

The marker drill teaches how you *will* get cut, fatally, without realizing it.

In full adrenaline freakout, this is even more pronounced.
1/ A thread for all parents and caregivers about the dangers of mass testing and the continued neglect of young people in this crisis.

2/ Young people have been neglected and they are suffering see for more information.

3/ The main reason for (and an Open Letter I organised to Gavin Williamson in the summer to urge him to open schools) is to urge the government to take children into account when making decisions.

4/ Government are still not doing this – see recent articles from me

5/ So, we parents must protect our children. The single biggest thing we can do to stop this crisis is to refuse mass testing which is driving damaging restrictive policies: