
The Bolshevik Revolution was Jewish, 6/8 Soviet leaders from Lenin to Gorbachev were Jewish AND all three Presidents since the (fake) fall of the Soviet Union are Jewish


First Soviet government mostly Jewish:

Funded by International Jewish bankers;


Ariadna Tyrkova-Williams on Bolshevik revolution:

“In the Soviet Republic, all the committees and commissaries were filled with Jews”


"Russian-Jewish newspaper Yevreyskaya Tribuna , 22nd August, 1922 - Lenin asked the rabbis if they were satisfied with the particularly cruel executions."


B’nai Brith report - Stalin is Jewish (pg 35)

Stalin's Jewish mother (Jewish Cup Kiddush covered with a shroud - on the grave of Stalin's mother) https://t.co/XXAkeC6wID

Soviet Analyst, Volume 31, Issues 1-7

Nikita Salomon PEARLMUTTER. (img 1) https://t.co/aVLCetMf3w

Another source for Pearlmutter (img2)

"Khrushchev, also, promptly added that the Soviet Government is based today on Jewish leadership"

Jewish KIDDUSH Cup on the grave of Brezhnev's mother

Brezhnev's wife: Victoria GoldBERG

Dugin confirms Andropov is a Jew (img1)

Research of Christopher Story (worked with KGB defector Anatoliy Golitsyn) - Andropov's last name Lieberman
>German and Jewish (Ashkenazic) https://t.co/9v9j7gVYU7

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With historical Data and explanations, I will want to DISAGREE with what you said here ma'am Or at Least Reframe what you said because what you said can be used to refer to a lot of scenarios.

Who are the "Citizens of Nigeria" you claim are not ready because they are...

Not demanding good governance?.

If by this you mean the Vast majority of Nigerians that are in the lower class should demand for good governance, then I hope you know this can never be effective.


It is virtually impossible for the lower class citizens to gather and...

Demand for good governance. What do they know that they want to demand? The few among them that are "enlightened" will have their voices drown out by the many that are not. I hope you know that there will always be the ignorant, evil men (hired assassin, political thugs) and also

Good men, the proportion of good men to the ignorants and evil men in this social class is low. Therefore l, gathering to something meaningful will be low.

How will they even gather? Through elections? I also hope you know that the wicked political leaders will not just fold...

Their arms and not defend their rulership from being overthrown. They will surely sow misinformation, spread lies aimed at misleading the masses. This particular social class, that are also numerous will be easy to swallow such lies and cajoled. Buhari was sold to us as a...
Niger state shares borders with Zamfara, kebbi, Kaduna & Benin Republic. Terrorists from Niger republic and Burkina faso easily move money and arms across the borders of Kebbi, Zamfara and Benin R into Niger state. According to UN over 900,000 people have been displaced in B'Faso https://t.co/65YEMJhqDp

Niger, Mali and Burkina faso are weak countries populated by Shell terrorists who have now found a safe haven in the forests in Kaduna and Niger state. Birin Gwari, Mokwa forest, Nanati forests, Kanji lake areas.

No decent human resides permanently in forests.

We are facing both external and internal threats from these weak and failed countries we are surrounded with. As a senator you know that a FG police system with less than 300k officers can't actively police the landmass and borders in the North.
Form your state police now!

You and other senators should scrap the FG police system and devote the unaudited security votes and constituency allowance to policing your corridors and forests. Let the airforce bomb them and put your rangers in the forests. Issue an ultimatum for those in the forests to leave

You are all living in a dream if you think the current police structure will become efficient overnight.
Budget, Personnel, Technology, Equipment, Surveillance..It's impossible.
Form your state and community police and flush out the terrorists.

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शमशान में जब महर्षि दधीचि के मांसपिंड का दाह संस्कार हो रहा था तो उनकी पत्नी अपने पति का वियोग सहन नहीं कर पायी और पास में ही स्थित विशाल पीपल वृक्ष के कोटर में अपने तीन वर्ष के बालक को रख के स्वयं चिता पे बैठ कर सती हो गयी ।इस प्रकार ऋषी दधीचि और उनकी पत्नी की मुक्ति हो गयी।

परन्तु पीपल के कोटर में रखा बालक भूख प्यास से तड़पने लगा। जब कुछ नहीं मिला तो वो कोटर में पड़े पीपल के गोदों (फल) को खाकर बड़ा होने लगा। कालान्तर में पीपल के फलों और पत्तों को खाकर बालक का जीवन किसी प्रकार सुरक्षित रहा।

एक दिन देवर्षि नारद वहां से गुजर रहे थे ।नारद ने पीपल के कोटर में बालक को देख कर उसका परिचय मांगा -
नारद बोले - बालक तुम कौन हो?
बालक - यही तो मैं भी जानना चहता हूँ ।
नारद - तुम्हारे जनक कौन हैं?
बालक - यही तो मैं भी जानना चाहता हूँ ।

तब नारद ने आँखें बन्द कर ध्यान लगाया ।

तत्पश्चात आश्चर्यचकित हो कर बालक को बताया कि 'हे बालक! तुम महान दानी महर्षि दधीचि के पुत्र हो । तुम्हारे पिता की अस्थियों का वज्रास्त्र बनाकर ही देवताओं ने असुरों पर विजय पायी थी।तुम्हारे पिता की मृत्यु मात्र 31 वर्ष की वय में ही हो गयी थी'।

बालक - मेरे पिता की अकाल मृत्यु का क्या कारण था?
नारद - तुम्हारे पिता पर शनिदेव की महादशा थी।
बालक - मेरे उपर आयी विपत्ति का कारण क्या था?
नारद - शनिदेव की महादशा।
इतना बताकर देवर्षि नारद ने पीपल के पत्तों और गोदों को खाकर बड़े हुए उस बालक का नाम पिप्पलाद रखा और उसे दीक्षित किया।