Thread: #Greek police and secret service discover #NGOs have been hiding hundreds of illegal immigrants in caves

Members of Non-Governmental Organizations have been hiding hundreds of #immigrants in the last weeks in coastal caves and forests of the Aegean islands, in order not to be detected by the Greek coast guard and thus to facilitate their #illegal entry into our country.
At the same time, due to their non-registration and taking health measures, there is a spread of the pandemic.
In addition, they had created a special internet platform to broadcast live the arrival of boats in #Lesvos and other #islands of the Eastern Aegean in order to "push" the Coast Guard not to prevent their entry into our country.
These are the conclusions of a second secret operation - with the codemame "Alkmini 2" of with the assistance of NIS against #NGOs that are active in our maritime #borders and which is revealed by "To Vima", with the presentation of relevant documents.
With the #Greek authorities having "recruited" foreign immigrants and traffickers in #Turkey in order to record the methods of NGOs that facilitate the illegal entry of immigrants, aggravating the refugee situation in our country.
Among the accusations addressed to the leaders of the #NGOs is that of "#espionage" against the country.
The current investigation, which culminated with an #operation on #February 3, 2021, is the continuation of the previous large investigation of - again with the assistance of the secret services
which had emerged at the end of September
Alarm Phone app

An investigation at the time found that 35 members of four NGOs facilitated the trafficking of illegal immigrants and refugees from #Turkey to #Lesvos using "illegal methods and procedures".
They are nationals of #Germany, France, Switzerland, Austria, Norway and Bulgaria, while two of the NGOs under investigation are based in #Berlin, at the same address.
From classified documents of it emerged then that the four #NGOs had activated the “AlarmPhone" #app
An emergency telephone number addressed to #migrants crossing the sea area from the coast of #Turkey to the Greek islands of the Eastern Aegean and who call it when they are at sea.
Afterwards, the members of the #NGOs contacted the Coast Guard and demanded that the #immigrants be collected immediately.
Otherwise, they proceeded to make the case public. In addition, in some cases they posted photos and electronic maps showing the exact location of vessels of the #Greek Navy or warships, which were then sailing in the Eastern Aegean under the umbrella of #NATO.
The latest operation of the Hellenic Police identified further methods of other #NGOs in order to "break" the dam created by the Coast Guard at our maritime borders to prevent mass arrivals of migrants in #Lesvos and on other islands.
It is characteristic that according to data brought to our newspaper from October to February 11, 453 people arrived in the islands of the Eastern A#egean, when in past years these numbers were 100 times higher and such a number of #immigrants entered our country in only one day
However, for the same period (the five months October 2020 - February 2021) is impressive the number of deterrents of arrival of #immigrants that concerned 33 cases and about 1,085 people who finally returned to the #Turkish coast.
It is characteristic that last November there were a total of 14 cases of preventing the entry of #illegal #immigrants and refugees in our country (they concerned the arrival of 395 people), while in October there were seven deterrents and in January six.
In an effort of the Coast Guard, this "shielding" of the #Greek maritime #borders will lead to discouragement of the trafficking circuits of foreigners.
However, during operation "Alcmene 2" the action of new #NGOs emerged, centered on a 49-year-old #Norwegian and several accomplices (including the relevant data available to the newspaper).
The evidence for the new methods came from recent ongoing surveillance, intelligence gathering and the "recruitment" of foreigners - one of whom also infiltrated trafficking circuits - who entered a dinghy on February 3 led by the aforementioned #NGO members located in #Lesvos
According to the documents of the Greek authorities, the #immigrants were transported from the area of #Smyrna to the sea area of Ayvalik to the Greek coast.
With the "agents" of the #Greek intelligence services who were inside the boat to record what was happening during the trip to #Greece.
According to the Greek services, "The members of the #NGOs had given an international telephone number that operated on a 24-hour basis and asked the #migrants, through the Signal and Telegram applications, to broadcast "live"...
...the arrival of the boats during the #migration flows, seeking pressure on the #officers of the Coast Guard who will try to prevent their entry into our country ".
In fact, in some cases it was reported that #NGO representatives contacted port officials and told them that "their movements are in-live-global broadcast and not to prevent the arrival of the #immigrant boats".
In fact they continued to provide information about the movement of vessels of the Greek #Navy and others, although there was an earlier #investigation on them a few months ago.
The members of the #NGOs, as noted in the documents of the authorities, "used the smartphones to guide the #migrants to natural accommodation, such as caves or places in forest areas where there were people waiting for them."
So as to avoid trying to return them to #Turkey and to appear after 24 or 48 hours at the police authorities or the Host and Identification Centers to be recorded in the second phase.

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These moρlahs, guided by the bigot Alι Mµsαlιαr did not fight against any oppression, Britishers or landlords. The moρlah rebellion is a vιolent vehιcle of jιhαδ. Its sole purpose: to mαssαcre Hindu-s, convert them to ιslαm and establish M sovereignty.

Tyrant Tιρµ was largely responsible for the forced conversions in Kerala. He surrounded homes of the H and forced them to convert to ιslαm, consume bεεf and be circµmcised.

Fleeing persecution from the rogue, many H fled to Tiruvanantapuram. There too, common M would now and then be enraged and wage jιhαδ on the helpless Hindu-s. The forcible conversions and desecration of our temples were the norm of the day.

T L Strange, a special commisioner of the Malabar region was appointed to enquire into the reasons for the outrages. He filed a report "Malabar Manual" in 1852 where he firmly says that the reason for the 'uprising' was M rεligιous fαnatιcism —

Moplah outrages on H was a regular occurrence in Kerala as we will show below. The most gruesome one in 1921 is what is famously referred to as such nowadays. In the aftermath of 1921, a special tribunal of 3 judges convened in Calicut.

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प्रथम भाव -
इस भाव से हम व्यक्ति की रोगप्रतिरोधक क्षमता, सिर, मष्तिस्क का विचार करते हैं।

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रोग भाव कहा जाता है। कुंडली मे इसके तत्कालिक भाव स्वामी, कालपुरुष कुंडली के स्वामी, दृष्टि संबंध, रोगेश की स्थिति, रोगेश के नक्षत्र औऱ रोगेश व भाव की डिग्री इत्यादि।
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