I am in a meeting now that is so annoying but I want to take my mind off things that upset me to talk about love and marriage.

I have been listening to people talk in many @joinClubhouse rooms about what they expect from potential partners and laugh very hard each time.

I laugh because those expectations are what keep a lot of people single. Being single is also not a bad thing as I have been more single in my lifetime than I have been in relationships. I also learned a lot about what kept me single for all those years. It was largely idealism.
Let me digress a bit to one of the pivotal encounters in my life when someone literally came out of the darkness to evangelize to me.

He deliberately ran towards me to deliver a message as if he had been sent on an errand. He told me that God doesn't want perfection.
He said, God wants us to strive towards perfection but knows we will never attain it. He said I should not beat myself up whenever I don't measure up but I should remain trying. It is the act of trying that is desirable. God is the only perfection and we strive to be like God.
I became an Atheist after that conversation. I took the opposite direction in search for perfection. In a roundabout way, it led me back to faith.

That is also my story of love and relationships. The best came at my most skeptical moment after I gave up on everyone else.
I learned from opening up to an entirely new experience that I was the problem. I had fallen into a destructive pattern. I was looking for perfection when I wasn't perfect.
I was looking for pattern that didn't make sense or didn't exist for ME. I was looking at what worked for others.
This was the moment of epiphany. It had to be what worked for both of us and not what was ideal or seen by others to be ideal. Perfection was personal. Perfection was really just peace of mind and lack of concern. It came from giving and not expecting.
I have read many books on relationships and experienced several. Four things have proven to be consistently true.

1. Contempt never fails to ruin everything.

2. Find someone you want to have a conversation with for the next 60 years without being bored and marry them fast.
3. Love is a contest of generosity and not a scorecard of expectation.

4. Love is NOT rational. Falling in love and deciding to love together forever is the most irrational thing you can ever do if you truly want happiness. Be irrational, there is NO true spec, only true love.
Each of these points is an entire thread of their own. I will find time to talk about them at the next annoying meeting. My attention is required as I have been pretending to listen. Ciao!

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