Your desk job is destroying your body and ruining your health.

Here are 5 exercises you can do to fix it 👇

Sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day is giving you forward head posture, rounded shoulders and anterior pelvic tilt.
You have these problems because your body spends too much time in unnatural positions.

Some of your muscles become shortened and overly tight.

Others become stretched and weak.

You've taught your body that this is its resting position.

Now it has to unlearn it.
Let's talk about anterior pelvic tilt first - or as @SyattFitness says "you stand like Kim Kardashian"

Sitting in a chair for long period will do this too you.

Your butt sticks out, your belly protrudes, and you will have lower back pain and horrible hip mobility.

Fix it 👇
@SyattFitness Your glutes are weak. Your hip flexors are tight. Your abs are weak. Your lower back is tight.

First, the glutes:

Do glute bridges. 3 sets to failure. If they're too easy, do the single leg version.
@SyattFitness If you have gym access, you can do barbell hip thrusts OR use this excellent machine if your gym has one
@SyattFitness You also need to stretch out your tight hips.

The best exercise I've found for this is the banded hip distraction 👇👇
@SyattFitness You'll need a resistance band.

Loop it around an upright (squat rack or bed post works well).

Loop it around your rear leg and descend into a lunge. Lean back to increase the stretch. Hold 30s.
@SyattFitness Now, to fix your rounded upper back and forward shoulders, you'll need to do lots of pulling exercises.

- Barbell rows
- Dumbbell rows
- Machine rows
- Bodyweight rows

But if you're just going to do one, I would do facepulls 👇👇
@SyattFitness Facepulls are NOT an ego exercise.

You do not want much weight here at all.

Go slowly, really squeeze the contraction at the end of the movement.

Go for high reps, 15-20 reps.

Stop when you can't get another rep with good form.
@SyattFitness You can also do facepulls at home with a resistance band. Just anchor it somewhere at about head height.

Add in band pull aparts to improve your shoulder posture.
@SyattFitness As for the forward head posture. Here is something you can do to correct it, explained by my mate @jerryteixeira
@SyattFitness @jerryteixeira If you follow a well designed resistance training program, you will likely fix all of these problems.

The right compound exercises will strengthen weakened muscles from Years of desk duty.
@SyattFitness @jerryteixeira The routine MUST NOT neglect lower body, core training or back training.

There should be more sets of pulling than pushing to keep shoulders in the proper alignment.

See this thread to see how to design yourself a proper routine in under 2 minutes
@SyattFitness @jerryteixeira Want a program to fix your posture and get you stronger with the minimum time required?

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@SyattFitness @jerryteixeira If you found this thread helpful, retweet the first tweet to help someone else!

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@SyattFitness @jerryteixeira P.S. I’m looking for 3 men who want to lose at least 20 lbs of fat in the next 3-4 months.

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