Some anons have notices "the" and "dam" and "the" vs. "to"...

Their posts included here as a thread...

More from David Burney

What does "patriots in control" mean?
What would that "look like" in reality?

So a massive adult film star in all his glory is included in an official FBI government filing

Hunter Biden's book is categorized as "Chinese

TIME admits to "conspiracy" to "not rig, rather

A "pillow guy" has military-grade intercepts detailing the IP addresses and device MAC IDs of EVERY incursion into every county in the
For those doubters, learn [digital] camouflage from a master...
From Nashville
Gun fight (w/police?) 6:00-6:15am
Police evacuating buildings 6:15-6:30am
Bomb squad--not enough time
Detonated at precisely 6:30am
Felt by people over 10 miles away

What was real target?
RV stopped on 2nd avenue
(near TN Capitol building and Metro courthouse).
3 tweets in one graphic.

When is a B2 no longer

Cautious steps when walking on

3966 (we are ready)

3784 (Slow drip > Flood)
This has been known since the beginning of this plannedemic, just unreported by media.

For those wondering, it is right on the NIH

More sauce from

And from 4/30 MSM before they reworked the narrative.
Coronavirus Drug Exclusive: Meet The Doctor Behind The Hydroxychloroquine Treatment, And What’s Next For Its Use – CBS New

Even more sauce...
Turkey claims success treating COVID-19 with hydroxychloroquine, the drug touted by Trump - CBS

More from Trump

I missed that DOJ has posted the individual certificates listing what offenses Trump pardoned for each person listed in his January 19 master clemency warrant, which had names but didn't spell out the covered crimes.
Here's Steve Bannon's, for example.

Here's Elliot Broidy, a Trump fund-raiser who admitted to a role in a covert campaign to influence the administration on behalf of Chinese and Malaysian interests.

Here's Ken Kurson, a former Giuliani speechwriter and former editor of a newspaper Jared Kushner owned, who had been charged with cyberstalking

Here's Aviem Sella, an Israeli who had been a fugitive from 1987 esionage and subversive activities charges related to recruiting a spy against the United States, Jonathan Pollard. (He was never extradited and pardoning him was a favor toNetanyahu.)

Here's Dwayne Michael Carter a/k/a Lil Wayne, who had pleaded guilty to firearm offenses

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