Allow me to offer some commentary on several SCOTUS cases that are NOT the #moab, but which, considered in aggregate, will reveal my impressions on the #TRUMPSMASH #lawOfFunny

Can someone give me a google number or something? I want a party line.
I'm sorry, but #lawOFFunny #nominologicaldeterminism.

This one is important:
ah screw it let's look at the pretty #moab
There's no question SCOTUS will accept the case. And @toad_spotted look at how they set up and use all the stuff re: bellwethers, polling, # of votes, etc. "it's no surprise" -- that's how you set up red flags talk. Not here to argue, just the facts and "it's no surprise".
Notice how each paragraph here answers questions people may have at the outset, leading you down the funnel of persuasion into the final bit: a concrete focus on the unprecedented changes in mail-ins. (Spoiler alert: this is leading to conspiracy charges against the DNC.)
Two movies: when the facts come out about chicom infiltration and just how dirty our #blindpolyphemus CIA has been, all the little hints like the highlighted phrase below will snap into sharp focus. #lawOfFunny
(Recall: Trump has access to state of the art real-time data on both covid and the election numbers. His NSA also has the entire internet tapped moment to moment, so they can compare any two moments to trace any info manipulators. The coverup thus evidences the crime.)
(Recall also that Trump, like me and many others, has known the Crowdstrike assessment of the DNC hack was a coverup job, and he also knew who was involved and what they were covering up.)
(sorry, the DNC "hack".)
Powerful one-two punch: we've got clear evidence of fraud, even if only in spoliation, but by the way, we don't actually have to prove fraud. That's what I've been trying to convey about the structure of this thing for some time #lawOfFunny
Note that, with both POTUS and the States present in the court, it would be a perfect time to look at some of Justice's Thomas's dissents re: the scope of the 14th Amendment.
intermezzo - the story of the @peregrimmer ban
Lot of misconceptions on this point.
Here's the October 1 prediction thread again.


See why you want to archive?
Oh wait, here's that first part again @BrennanCenter
That's not what @peregrimmer got suspended for, though, And he didn't get suspended for trolling or using naughty language or breaking any of the identified Twitter Rules, now did he, @jack?
Before getting to what @peregrimmer got banned for, and why the ban feeds into her plan to use art projects to generate lawsuits against media companies, let's take a poll. Compared to October 1, how are you feeling about #lawOfFunny ?
(also, yes, @RafaelEnder1, I have an archive of stuff from Twitter, but I'm a space-cadet and lazy and I'm sort of making a point with this art project about the social nature of history and collective memory, so I ask everyone to make their own #archive #PLEASEARCHIVE)

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