Why am RTg this Rush post? Because @AnjillofLight_ just advised me that @rushlimbaugh is handing his show over to @realDonaldTrump tomorrow 10/9.

Playing both the Rush and Trump Cards

Coincidence the movie The Trump Card is out tomorrow 10/9. https://t.co/RT45TDE8HP

I'm your Huckleberry. I knew it.🤣
All the Rush graphics are in linked threads throughout

Only the full release of docs can give conclusive evidence.

Dangle Operation
Sanctions are coming
Make sure you go to the concession stand and get your popcorn, beverage and candy.
No Collusion
No Obstruction
Trump Card Coming
Indictments are coming
Nov 7

We Love you Rush - @IvankaTrump
Missing 0 in @realDonaldTrump's twt - ZERO
Again all these graphics are from past Rush threads linked.

11 11
E - Evergreen
St of Emerg
Maxwell House Covfefe
Trump Card Coming
Mick e
10 2
War[e]fare (War/Fare)

More from JaLove

Important to note
M Stand for....Marshals

The magnitude of this is beautiful and amazing! https://t.co/zxhPhwkCdv

Pay close attn.

The lights let you know when its OK to cross. (go)

Did you catch it?

Red light/green light
countdown. Ends at 30

Done in 30

We knew the lights were turning green.

We knew we were in the countdown
Timing of Inaugurations and publishing of books matter.

Is this a mere coincidence?

The Comlng lnsurrectlon
The Invisible Enemy (Committee)
Shadow Govt

By the book


Rounding up (Find each other, get organized)

Make the police their enemies. Keep them busy. What is the left hand doing while they are showing you their right.

What were we really being told be 'Indictments Coming'.

305th day of the yr is today 11/1 (27)
315th day of the yr is 11/11

10 Days

Markers Matter
Right hand of God V Hidden Left hand of Fools

Super V (ultimate battle of Good V Evil)

10 & 2
Right V Left
A fool is a ZERO
Dogs are kept on a leash until they are unleashed

How often does @realDonaldTrump use ZERO?👇

Transferring power back to you, the ppl

Heart attacks can be dangerous

Changing of the Old Guard
Best of the Best

Battle of the Bulge

Thunder indicates a storm is

Silent Run'g ..... Can u hear him

More from Trump

Today's Twitter threads (a Twitter thread).

Inside: Stop saying "it's not censorship if it's not the government"; Trump's swamp gators find corporate refuge; and more!

Archived at: https://t.co/7JMcAbaULj



Monday night, I'll be helping William Gibson launch the paperback edition of his novel AGENCY at a Strand Bookstore videoconference. Come say hi!



Stop saying "it's not censorship if it's not the government": I didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition.



Trump's swamp gators find corporate refuge: The Swamped project.



#15yrsago A-Hole bill would make a secret technology into the law of the land https://t.co/57bJaM1Byr

#15yrsago Hollywood’s MP loses the election — hit the road, Sam! https://t.co/12ssYpV46B

#15yrsago How William Gibson discovered science fiction https://t.co/MYR0go37nW


— that he restored and increased HBCU funding (which Obama cut permanently) and met with HBCU leaders to find more solutions to bring higher education to black communities!

— that he gave loans to black entrepreneurs when the banks wouldn't.

— that Jesse Jackson praised Trump for helping him put together his Rainbow Coalition and for being a model for “people on Wall Street to represent diversity.”

— that he was awarded the 1986 Ellis Island Medal Of Honor alongside Rosa parks and Muhammad Ali for “patriotism, tolerance, brotherhood and DIVERSITY”. They don't give these medals to racists. https://t.co/WliqZHc34j

— that he dated a black woman.

— that he donated to and did personal favors for Rev. Al Sharpton's National Youth Movement. https://t.co/nBTvLiO128

— that he helped sponsor and finance both of Jesse Jackson's presidential bids.

— that when a homeless black woman was found illegally living in Trump Tower he allowed this woman to stay for 8 years, and provided her with three meals a day, and fresh flowers once a week.

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I'm going to do two history threads on Ethiopia, one on its ancient history, one on its modern story (1800 to today). 🇪🇹

I'll begin with the ancient history ... and it goes way back. Because modern humans - and before that, the ancestors of humans - almost certainly originated in Ethiopia. 🇪🇹 (sub-thread):

The first likely historical reference to Ethiopia is ancient Egyptian records of trade expeditions to the "Land of Punt" in search of gold, ebony, ivory, incense, and wild animals, starting in c 2500 BC 🇪🇹

Ethiopians themselves believe that the Queen of Sheba, who visited Israel's King Solomon in the Bible (c 950 BC), came from Ethiopia (not Yemen, as others believe). Here she is meeting Solomon in a stain-glassed window in Addis Ababa's Holy Trinity Church. 🇪🇹

References to the Queen of Sheba are everywhere in Ethiopia. The national airline's frequent flier miles are even called "ShebaMiles". 🇪🇹