#tradingtips #entry #riskreward 1/5
If price is extended from ema or makes New Highs and you slap the ask, you already skew your risk reward (in case of short you slap bid at new lows)
You have to let entry come to you for best risk reward, find pullback in the trend!

#tradingtips #entry #riskreward 2/5
When you chase, you are one providing liquidity to someone who is going to exit at that price, so you will be immediately down or negative in your position.
Even though our mind is wired to give us FOMO and we click the market buy..its wrong
#tradingtips #entry #riskreward 3/5
rather than skewing your risk reward chasing 5 plays....wait for a pullback in trend on 1 play and have size with conviction with clear support/risk off level...same if shorting...wait for resistance level bounce
#tradingtrips #entry #riskreward 4/5
If Day Trading, Tape Reading and watching where most volume is being soaked is key level for entry (Example VRPX at 8 today)...add those tape reading skills for better entry...along with support/pullback level
#tradingtrips #entry #riskreward 5/5
Take 100 charts and study the trend. Make a journal and explain to yourself if you were trading those 100 charts, which pullback would you have entered and what would have been you risk/reward and best entry!
Backtest Entries! Very important

More from Tradingthread

I’m using Twitter as my trading journal. Feel free to follow along and learn with me. I’ll post the resources I’ve found most valuable below. I’ve attached my evolving trading rules. As you can see, I am continually learning from my mistakes and feel more prepared each day.

Wave theory resources:


Recommend checking out @StockDweebs newsletter. I don’t practice wave theory myself but have found his picks highly accurate and like to correlate them with my own.

YouTube channels:

TrendSpider @TrendSpider
smithsintheblack @RobInTheBlack
Sara Sabatino @ssabatino84
_ms_izzy @_ms_izzy
Learn to Day Trade @TrueBubbleHead
StockDweebs @StockDweebs
watchjoshtrade @watchjoshtrade
BullTradeFinder @BullTradeFinder
MagicMike @magicmiketrader

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