Trading Education Thread time 1/8

There are really only two types of trading styles:

1. Mean Reversion Trading
2. Breakout Trading

All other "styles" are merely indicator-based trading systems.

This thread will specifically discuss Breakout Trading


Breakout Trading requires identification of four elements in order to be successful:

1. Trendlines (pattern based support/resistance)
2. Price Action (overall trending direction)
3. Volume (the amount of participants)

Trendlines serve as support/resistance like order blocks (areas w/ prior bull/bear struggle) & lead to patterns. Human psychology does not like randomness which is why there tends to be strong reaction at the extremes of historical reference points or anticipated patterns.

The mkt tends to test two extreme ends of reference areas for a time, leading to a distinct larger pattern or range. A misconception is that certain patterns are always bearish/bullish, but the dominant trend (~4-7x TF above yours) influences the eventual breakout dir more.

Still, false breaks occur quite frequently. Basic patterns like triangles often trap newer traders that seasoned traders/algos regularly exploit, especially in crypto. Frontrunning or chasing mid-candle breakout is at high risk of being exit liquidity for the counter dump.

Which brings us to the most critical part: volume. This is the amount of "interest" in this zone, & tends to decline during consolidation as both sides are bracing for impact w/uncertainty. A breakout needs a volume surge; it signals commitment by traders in that direction.

So how do you properly execute the trade? Identify the dominant trend, & reduce size when betting on the opposite breakout. If breakout, note if candle vol has spiked & closes outside. If so, enter position, & place stops just within the breakout line inside of the pattern.

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More from Tradingthread

THREAD // How I Invest

1. Successful Investing starts with Education
2. Psychology of Trading & General Rules
3. Essentials of Fundamental Analysis
4. Master Technical Analysis
5. Screening for Stocks
6. Making a Watchlist
7. Money Management
8. Diversification of Accounts

1 // Successful Investing starts with Education

Following 2000-2002, I realized that I needed an education to help me understand many of the topics mentioned in this thread.

So, I started to educated myself using books. Seek mentors as well.


2 // Psychology of Trading & General Rules

Develop a working SYSTEM (for you)
Preservation of capital
Consistent profitability
Cutting losses short
Superior returns

Understanding “You”:
What is your general personality?
What influences your decisions?
What is your lifestyle?

3a // Essentials of Fundamental Analysis

Earnings Per Share:
1. % Change in Latest Qtr EPS vs. Same QTR Prior Year
2. % Increase in Next Year’s EPS Estimate vs Prior Year’s Actual EPS
3. % Change in Latest EPS, trend past several qtrs
4. Annual % EPS Growth Rate of Last 3 Years

3b // Essentials of Fundamental Analysis

Sales / Revenues
1. % Change Latest Qtr’s Sales vs. Same Qtr Prior Year
2. % Change Latest Reported Fiscal Year Sales vs. Prior Year
3. % Change in Latest Sales, trend past several qtrs
4. Annual % Sales Growth Rate of Last 3 Years

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