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1/ I love learning about the markets. There are some brilliant people I’ve found on Twitter who have provided great insights (among others):


But this thread is (mostly) about @profplum99


2/ Mike has an encyclopedic knowledge of market history. This interview by @DiMartinoBooth (who I also have a lot of respect for) puts that on clear display.

Mike’s explanation of passive investing and its effects on the markets was eye-opening.

3/ According to research conducted by Anadu et al for the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, passive funds made up 48% of US equity assets under management in March 2020. That number was just 14% in 2005. Meaning 8.6% annualized growth over 15

4/ Per Mike, “passive funds have this really simple algorithm: if you give me cash, I buy.” No fundamental valuation, just buying the current market-weighted index, which means a stock gets greater representation in your fund the higher its current market value.

5/ Employers and pension fund managers are predictably contributing to IRAs through fixed salary percentages on a monthly basis. And passive funds typically hold tens of basis points of cash on the sidelines because, per Mike, “it’s toxic to their business model.”
We have shared a lot of threads exclusively on Subasish Pani in the past year.

As this year comes to an end, here are the 11 most powerful threads on Subasish Pani exclusively compiled for you all.

Collborated with @AdityaTodmal

1/ Important concepts from Power of Stocks - Subasish

2/ Important concepts with video links of Subasish

3/ The 5 EMA

4/ The Bollinger Band set-