Bearish short straddle: Selling 14250 CE and 14250 PE of same expiry.
You can sell straddle as per your market view.
If you are natural view sell CE and PE at ATM strike.
Be aware, the images the #farright are sharing in the hopes of starting a race war, are not of the SPAR employee that was punched. They\u2019re older photos of a Everton fan. Be aware of the information you\u2019re sharing and that it may be false. Always #factcheck #GeorgeNkencho
— antifa.drone (@antifa_drone) December 31, 2020
There is a concerted effort in far-right Telegram groups to try and incite violence on street by targetting people for racist online abuse following the killing of George Nkencho
— Mark Malone (@soundmigration) January 1, 2021
This follows on and is part of a misinformation campaign to polarise communities at this time.