This is one reason why I quit robotics. I thought it was can work and build fun stuff...but when we went to regional championships there was the FREAKING MILITARY??? And Lockheed Martin and Delta. And they were ALL like....we make planes for the military >:)

Me: am I gonna build a space ship!?

Robotics fair: No bich! You live in georgia!! Now help us build these aerial bombers and military excavation robots! :))

Like both delta and Lockheed Martin are here and several large military bases so we actually got to visit delta hangers where they make the planes and I was like wow! Planes! And then later i found out airlines are big jerks and make stuff for the airforce.
I wish I would've known I could still probably build spaceships....but idk I was like 15 I didn't know shit. I was just like....I don't see any spaceships!???
I liked the commercial planes...planes are a lot here in Georgia theres a school for it and they have their own airport.
We went there it was cool. Its in the country tho because its a tiny airport for regional flights so the students learn how a control tower works. The control tower is super cool.
I remember the military guys brought a military robot and he said to me...actually in the field you can't pilot the robots if you wear glasses. Lol....thats the main thing I remember. Also Lockheed Martin brought a tiny plane to show us.
At the time I had mainly joined because this guy i kinda knew asked me to join so he had enough people to start the club. But the boys were so mean. And I was like, whatever I dont want to do programming anyway!!! AAAAA and everyone on the team kept trying to make me switch to
The marketing group because I was a girl. But I was like....nooo...I really wanna learn programming....but nobody really let me do it....I wish I could've been on like a nicer team that was nice to girls....bc literally nobody cared about me only this one lady from Georgia tech..
I was on that team for like a whole ass year...uggghhhh......I guess I just really wanted to learn programming. But it was so misogynistic I didn't actually learn anything. Now that I'm into design and stuff I'm learning programming again and I keep thinking like ugh...
Remember robotics? Ugh....idk those kinds of things have a bigger impact on you when ur younger.....
Like literally the only time I learned anything was that one lady from Georgia tech who actually listened to me. That's how I learned hexadecimal number codes...and like 010010..
And thats like....the only thing I really learned.
Fernbank also has a robotics team. That one is led by a woman and has a lot of girls but I wasn't on the team really...also by the time we met with them I was like, whatever I wont do robotics anyways...
But sike!!! Im doing programming lololol
I wish I would've just joined the fernbank team...I wasn't thinking that strategically at 15...lmaoooo I was thinking learning languages...
Ugh but whenever I think about that time I'm like....why did all the adults just let that happen to us??? Im like always thinking that. In high school I met more foolish and mean adults than good ones....
The only cool adults I remmeber from school that were like 100% totally chill i could vibe with them was like... my Arabic teacher...the librarian econ teacher. Lol....I had a lot of anxiety and stuff, so I needed like really positive adults of color that I knew like...
Respected me.
Like all the adults on robotics were white and ding dongs.
Anyway this topic brings up a lot of issues for me. I feel angry at the adults for never caring about how I was treated.... just because im not crying doesn't mean I like it when I am bullied. Also it was like the first time I had every heard of programming or robotics so....
Its like everytime I hear about it I get flashbacks will take a while for this kind of thing to wear off I guess....that year or two in robotics bothers me more than the terrible racist school I went to for my first college. lolol probably bc
I was just a fresh little babby and you all really didn't have to beat me into the dust like that. Thats also one reason reason why I was afraid to apply to Georgia tech. I was like....oh no what if they are mean to me?? so glad for online school hahaha
Ughhhh and all those kids and adults probably just think everything is fine and they all had a great time while I am like...mildly traumatized about robots... 😭😭 they will never know and they probably won't so annoyed...I wish I was a devil and I could haunt them...
As punishment. And then just leave when I have all my evil energy released. Like, haha okay I made you wet the bed 8 good. People like that are hard headed. So if you make them feel bad, they won't understand. It will be only for your sake.
At least I will probably never see any of them again ever... ughh I hate seeing people from high school....
Like ugh I've met many other totally different nicer people and my brain is still like

Remember robotics?

Its probably because I never got to yell at them. And I never had anyone else to talk to about this bc it was like literally only me. Every other girl was on Advertising.
They were like "dont you want to go to advertising team?" And I was like YOU asked ME to join the ROBOT team NOT the ADVERTISING team!!!!!?? LET ME MAKE A ROBOT!!!!

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