1. Long term channel top.
2. Curvature shift of 20 and 50 WMA along with price hitting 20 WMA frequently.
3. Overall weakness in IT sector.
4. For reference, study reliance top in August 2020, study Nasdaq Weekly chart and the top made in Nov 2021.

More from Aakash Gangwar

Time for a new thread on the possibilities I am looking for.
Do read it completely to understand the stance and the plan.

1. The moving average structure - Many traders just look at the 200 ma test or closing above/below it regardless of its slope. Let's look at all the interactions with 200 ma where price met it for the first time after the trend change but with 200 ma slope against it

One can clearly sense that currently it is one of those scenarios only. I understand that I might get trolled for this, but an unbiased mind suggests that odds are highly against the bulls for making fresh investments.

But markets are good at giving surprises. What should be our stance if price kept on rising? Let's understand that through charts. The concept is still the same. Divergent 200 ma and price move results in 200 ma test atleast once which gives good investment opportunities.

2. Zig-Zag bear market- There are two types of fall in a bear market, the first one is vertical fall which usually ends with ending diagonals (falling wedges) and the second one is zig zag one which usually ends with parabolic down moves.

More from Tataelxsilongterm

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So the cryptocurrency industry has basically two products, one which is relatively benign and doesn't have product market fit, and one which is malignant and does. The industry has a weird superposition of understanding this fact and (strategically?) not understanding it.

The benign product is sovereign programmable money, which is historically a niche interest of folks with a relatively clustered set of beliefs about the state, the literary merit of Snow Crash, and the utility of gold to the modern economy.

This product has narrow appeal and, accordingly, is worth about as much as everything else on a 486 sitting in someone's basement is worth.

The other product is investment scams, which have approximately the best product market fit of anything produced by humans. In no age, in no country, in no city, at no level of sophistication do people consistently say "Actually I would prefer not to get money for nothing."

This product needs the exchanges like they need oxygen, because the value of it is directly tied to having payment rails to move real currency into the ecosystem and some jurisdictional and regulatory legerdemain to stay one step ahead of the banhammer.