Why should you start your own business instead of becoming an employee?

Well, being a business owner isn't for everyone.
But it may be exactly the change you need!

Let me give you some great reasons to quit your job and become self-employed.


1️⃣ You become free and independent

You get the ability to steer the direction of your life in any way you want, instead of working for the whims of others.

You also get to manage your own time and schedule.
Who wants to ask for permission to spend time with your loved ones?
2️⃣ You get to follow your passion

In your own business, you get to do what excites you.
Not only does a passion make your job fulfilling, but it also unlocks hidden powers in you!

Why do you work?

❌ Because my boss wants this done by tomorrow.
✅ Because I love what I do!
3️⃣ You can make a lot of money

Of course, wealth isn't everything.
But let's be real, it's important!

By freelancing, you can triple your income.
I take home more than $300K/y on consulting alone.
So can you 🔥

Combine that with selling products!
Only the sky is the limit.
4️⃣ You pay way less in taxes

Earned income (salary) is the type of income that is taxed the highest.
By being an employee, you're a 50/50 partner with the government.

By incorporating your business, you can lower taxes by reinvesting in assets such as stocks or property.
5️⃣ You'll get better at what you do

When you're representing your own business, you discover new motivation for enhancing your skills.

Sometimes you'll need to sell yourself on skills that you may not have yet.
It'll keep you on your toes, and will push you to get better 💪
6️⃣ You can work from where you want

The internet is a great place to start a business, and today, you can run a business entirely online.

This gives you the advantages of working from wherever you want.

You just need a computer and internet.
7️⃣ You can escape the rat race

A regular job can become dreary, unsatisfying, and stressful, even if you started out with a passion.
In fact, alarmingly many state that "they hate their job".

Please, don't waste another second on something you hate!
Life is too short.
8️⃣ You find meaning and purpose

Sure, running a business isn't without stress.
But it's yours! Your creation, and your responsibility.

The pride, recognition, and fulfillment will inevitably result in great self-esteem, meaning, and purpose.

You'll feel happier with life.

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Whenever we chant a Mantra in Sanskrit, it starts with 'Om' and mostly ends with 'Swaha' or 'Namaha'. This specific alignment of words has a specific meaning to it which is explained in Dharma Shastra.

Mantra is a Sanskrit word meaning sacred syllable or sacred word. But Mantras r not just words put together,they r also vibrations.The whole Universe is a cosmic energy in different states of vibration &this energy in different states of vibration forms the objects of Universe.

According to Scriptures,Om is considered to be ekaakshar Brahman,which means Om is the ruler of 3 properties of creator,preserver&destroyer which make the
https://t.co/lyhkWeCdtv is also seen as a symbol of Lord Ganesha, as when starting the prayer,it's him who is worshipped 1st.

'Om' is the sound of the Universe. It's the first original vibration of the nothingness through which manifested the whole Cosmos. It represents the birth, death and rebirth process. Chanting 'Om' brings us into harmonic resonance with the Universe. It is a scientific fact.

Therefore, Mantras are described as vibrational words that are recited, spoken or sung and are invoked towards attaining some very specific results. They make very specific sounds at a frequency that conveys a directive into our subconcious.
The entire discussion around Facebook’s disclosures of what happened in 2016 is very frustrating. No exec stopped any investigations, but there were a lot of heated discussions about what to publish and when.

In the spring and summer of 2016, as reported by the Times, activity we traced to GRU was reported to the FBI. This was the standard model of interaction companies used for nation-state attacks against likely US targeted.

In the Spring of 2017, after a deep dive into the Fake News phenomena, the security team wanted to publish an update that covered what we had learned. At this point, we didn’t have any advertising content or the big IRA cluster, but we did know about the GRU model.

This report when through dozens of edits as different equities were represented. I did not have any meetings with Sheryl on the paper, but I can’t speak to whether she was in the loop with my higher-ups.

In the end, the difficult question of attribution was settled by us pointing to the DNI report instead of saying Russia or GRU directly. In my pre-briefs with members of Congress, I made it clear that we believed this action was GRU.