People ask me one question over and over: What is a digital product? And why should an entrepreneur focus on digital products instead of just their physical counterparts?

What Is a Product?

A product is any item that you can sell to someone else in exchange for cash or barter. It could be a piece of produce, an electronic gadget, or a comfy couch.
Until the Internet altered commerce for the better, a product was always a physical object or item.
The virtual world has opened up a new category of products (which will get into later).
The point, however, is that a product is something you sell. Most often, you ask. for money in exchange for the product. That’s how you earn a living.
What Is a Digital Product?

A digital product is any product you sell online that doesn’t have a physical form or substance. You can’t hold a website theme in your hand, smell an e-book, or taste a software program — Uber eats does come close though ; ).
Why Are Digital Products Preferable to Physical Products?

You might wonder why you would offer digital products instead of creating your own physical product. After all, physical products dominated commerce for hundreds of thousands of years.
Digital products have many advantages over their physical counterparts, especially for the entrepreneur who sells them.

•Inventory never becomes an issue (either in surplus or deficit).
•You don’t have to find a place to store your products.
• Customers can, in most cases,
receive the product immediately upon purchase.

•There are no costs related to materials or assembly.
This is not to say that you can slap together any digital product and generate a fortune. The product still needs to offer incredible value if you want your customers to return
The Most Profitable Digital Products To Sell Online.

Now that we’ve covered some of the definitions and obstacles, let’s jump into the opportunities. After all, you probably want to generate as much cash as possible from your physical skill, so you’ll want to sell the most
profitable digital products.

We’ve identified 17 options, many of which you can create and sell directly with the help of a Digital product.

Resist the urge to try to create them all. It’s tempting, but it will spread you too thin. Start with a single product — one that will
resonate with your target audience and provide them with maximum value.

. Courses
We’re obviously big fans of online courses here at Dicon Tech. In fact, courses are the primary way by which our product in Dicon tech is sold.
An online course is just like an in-classroom course
except that you teach online via text, video, and audio assets. Your customers learn via distinctive modules based on the name of the course and the material you want to convey.
Customers can take your course in their own time without having to worry about meeting deadlines or
stressing themselves out. Plus, you can create courses of different sizes and at different price points.

Some of our customers have created dozens of courses, while others stick to one flagship course. It’s entirely up to you. Plus, down the line, you can create other digital
products that compliment your courses.

2. E-books
E-books are growing in popularity month over month. In 2015, more than 220 e-books flew off virtual shelves, and experts predict that e-books will eventually take over physical books in terms of sales.
You can write an e-book on any topic you like. The best news is that, once you complete the product, you don’t have to do any further work — other than marketing, of course. It allows you to earn passive income over months and years.

As the entrepreneur, you decide on the
e-book’s length and content. You can either self-publish it on your amazon website or seek a traditional publisher.

Some entrepreneurs also create e-book series. They sell them individually and in bundles, which gives them the opportunity to upsell.
3. Photography

Since millions of people publish content on the web every day, there’s a constant demand for unique photography. Stock photo sites, such as Fotalia and iStockphoto, buy images from creators just like you.

Alternatively, you might want to sell your photographs
from your own websites. Many fine art photographers take this route so they don’t have to share their profits with established marketplaces.

A great way to get people excited about your photography is to post your images on sites like Flickr and Instagram. These platforms allow
you retain all rights to your photos, which protects your intellectual property while exposing you to potential customers.

Keep in mind that you can sell photographs in many different ways:
•Digital files only
•Small prints
•Large canvases
•Novelty products (such as
mugs and T-shirts) with your images on them
The sky’s the limit if you’re an Elon Musk.

4. Web Elements
There’s a huge demand for web elements in today’s economy. For instance, many people earn six or seven figures by selling WordPress themes.

Premium web design templates
create passive income because you only have to create the theme once. You might have to update it from time to time because of changes to the content management system (CMS), but that’s far less work than creating a whole new product from scratch.
Additionally, you can create as
many web themes as you want. The more you provide, the more customers you can potentially convert.
Other web elements can also prove popular in the marketplace. You might sell thematic elements for a web design, such as navigational buttons, header images, font combination
suggestions, social sharing buttons, and more. If you’re creative and artistic, there’s no limit to what you can create and sell.

5. Research and Data
Conducting one’s own research and data can absorb considerable time. Some people don’t want to expend that energy to gather data
in one convenient place.
That’s where you come in. Selling data — such as information about your industry or the results of your own studies — can prove massively popular. People who buy that data can then use it to inform their own businesses.
6. Recipes
Cookbooks are among the best-selling books of all time. People are always looking for fresh takes on their favorite recipes, and many consumers want to explore cuisine from around the world.
Sure, you can find recipes for free online, but there’s a reason people pay
for actual cookbooks. It’s assumed that a paid product offers better quality and higher value.

If you’re a chef-amateur or professional — you could put together a cookbook with your best recipes. Consider grouping them based on a specific theme, such as comfort food or recipes.
from a specific country or city.
A theme makes the book more marketable and therefore more likely to gain traction in the market.
Of course, cookbooks aren’t the only way to release recipes. You could create an app or subscription service that delivers recipes to subscribers.
Think outside the box to create a unique digital product that will get everyone talking.
10. Apps
Speaking of apps, it’s possible that mobile applications have become even more popular than software packages. However, they’re essentially the same thing — just one a different
For instance, people used to play games installed via CD-ROM on their computers. Today, they can play similar games on their phones or tablets via an app.

Some apps involve a small charge, while others are so-called “freemium” releases, which means that you can
include in-app purchases for people who want more features, benefits, or information.
You don’t even need technical skills to develop an app. You can hire a freelance developer to help execute your idea and pay a flat fee. Many entrepreneurs take this route.
There are also software program that make creating a simple app fairly easy. However, if the app doesn’t offer much in the way of features, it will become a hard sell for savvy consumers.

11. Podcasts
Most podcasts are free. Entrepreneurs and creatives use them to promote
their brands, products, or services.
However, you can also create a subscription-based podcast that offers more features, in-depth guidance, and more. There are numerous ways to do this.
For instance, you could create a subscription-based podcast for which people pay you
directly. It would work just like a traditional membership site except that the content is exclusively audio.
You could also take the freemium route. People can listen for free, but if they pay, they get bonus features, extra audio, and other incentives.
For example, many creatives use services like Patreon to fund their podcasts and other creations.

13. Swipe Files
A swipe file is a document that contains valuable assets for a particular goal, hobby, or job. For instance, writers often keep swipe files filled with examples of
good copy they might want to emulate in the future.
However, swipe files can contain anything you want. If you’re an artist, you could create a swipe file full of icons and other graphics your customers might use on their websites, marketing assets, or other deliverables.
You could also create a swipe file filled with research, data points, checklists, and more. Crafty professionals might sell swipe files with DIY projects, while parenting experts could sell swipe files with indoor activities for children of various ages.
The possibilities are limitless. The important thing is to make sure the information in your swipe file is truly premium. In other words, it should be regurgitated content from your blog or contain information people could find freely on the web.

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