How Silicon Valley, in a Show of Monopolistic Force, Destroyed

In the last three months, tech giants have censored political speech and journalism to manipulate U.S. politics -- banning reporting on the Bidens, removing the President, destroying a new competitor -- while US liberals, with virtual unanimity, have cheered.
The ACLU said the unity of Silicon Valley monopoly power to destroy Parler was deeply troubling. Leaders from Germany, France and Mexico protested. Only US liberals support it, because the dominant strain of US liberalism is not economic socialism but political authoritarianism.
Just three months ago, a Dem-led House Committee issued a major report warning of the dangers of the anti-trust power of Apple, Amazon, Google and Facebook. Left-wing scholars have been sounding the alarm for years. Now it's here, and liberals cheer:
Probably the worst discourse tactic liberals are using is to accuse you of being pro-Terrorist or sympathizing with white supremacy if you question or are concerned about any of the powers they're seizing & wielding for their new War on Terror - taken right from Cheney and Rove.
Social media monopolies have been censoring to please powerful factions for years, signalling that this moment was coming. Few cared when Palestinian journalists & activists were banned at Israel's behest. You have to object to this as a principle:
I still think the most ominous and consequential moment was when FB and Twitter united to ban reporting about the Bidens in the weeks before the election. Twitter mostly expressed regret. FB did not. Liberals & **journalists** overwhelmingly cheered. That showed what was coming.
What was just done with Parler can't be overstated. They created a system where they can not only ban and silence whoever they want from their monopolistic platforms, but also remove entire platforms, their competitors, from the internet. New weapons don't get used only once.

More from Software

🚨 🦮 Seven ways to test for accessibility using only what is already in browser developer tools of Chromium browsers

@MSEdgeDev @EdgeDevTools @ChromiumDev
#tools #accessibility #browsers
Also, a thread: 👇🏼

Issues pane, powered by @webhintio, listing accessibility issues with explanations why these are problems, links to more info and direct links to the tools where to fix the problem.

The inspect element overlay showing accessibility relevant information of the element, including contrast information, ARIA name, role and if it can be focused via keyboard.

Colour picker with contrast information offering colours that are AA/AAA compliant. You can also see compliant colours indicated by a line on the colour patch.
Note: the current algorithm fails to take font weight into consideration, that's why there will be a new one.

Vision deficit ("colour blindness") emulation. You can see what your product looks like for different visitors.

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