THREAD: Last-Century thinking got humanity into a mess. It worked well though, just too well. Into the third decade of the new century and I am sad to see how little last century thinking is being named and challenged. 1/

OLD THINKING: Take that nature, use that nature. Same amount of land that we stated with, but going on four times the population and much soil erosion behind us. NEW THINKING: use it, put it back, regenerate it. 2/
OLD: Either you are good or bad. Promoted on almost every TV show. Reality is, we created a system and it grew and that system brings out the worst in us to an extent we have forgotten how to bring out the best in each other, almost. 3/
OLD: If you have money you should spend it on what you want. A few people had cars back in the 1920's. Now there are so many on the Earth that they alone can push the climate over the tipping point. NEW: Money should never give you the power and right to commit ecocide. 4/
OLD: the power in the economy is consumption. Using stuff up. Problem is, we are already using more stuff than our earth-society-earth can sustain. Successful ideas like that end badly when there is more human stuff on the earth than natural. 5/
We need to pivot to the NEW idea: Use it - put it back. It's called the circular economy and it is only part of the solution because we need to put back the legacy of the material age to restore natural working like these guys 6/
OLD IDEA: Our democracy will fix everything, clever, dedicated people are taking care of us. 40 years of scientists' warnings and no action shows it won't. NEW IDEA: We must rebel. Inaction by Politicians that will kill the young generation is treason. @BespokePanic 7/
OLD IDEA: Peace is the absence of war the rest you get after death. NEW IDEA: peace is who we really are, it is built in and we know it even if we cannot describe it. We don't need a high material life to feel peace but we do need the basics. 8/
OLD IDEA: Look after yourself and if everyone does that, things will work out. Reality is that very few are happy with that arrangement. NEW IDEA: we are all one, and part of the same Earth and nature. Taking care is built into our DNA and we feel good when we do it. Indeed, 9/
Landscape pain is a real thing. We are hurt by the destruction we see. NEW IDEA: pour money into restoration rather than stupid bitcoins, shares and overpriced piles of bricks 10/10

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