On late Tunde Thomas #DNAtest & the MD, FCMB Adam Nuru, paternity fraud, let me share a story from one of my private investigations.

Mr Balogun (not real name) was married to Mrs Kemi (not real name) for 33 years. none of the 4 children from that marriage belongs to Balogun. 💔

According to Mr Balogun, he met Kemi, while she was serving (NYSC) they dated briefly, & got married. He was already successful at a very young age, why Kemi was trying to find her feet. He gave her everything any woman could dream of having. A good life, & a good home.
Unknown to Balogun, while Kemi was serving, she dated him, alongside one poor dude. She had Balogun, as the money bag or MUGU, why the Poor Boy as her true love. When she became pregnant, Balogun proposed, & married her. But Kemi kept on with that relationship, outside matrimony.
Just to have unhindered access to her true Love, Kemi lied to Balogun that the poor dude (Uncle Shola) was a family member, from her late mum's family. That being the only child of her late mum, since after her death, it is only Uncle Shola, that has been in touch & helps to her.
That lie from Kemi, made Balogun to love Uncle Shola even more. For being there for his wife, when she had no one to help. He gave uncle Shola unhindered access to his house 24/7. Calling him in-law. The two love birds comport themselves properly, whenever someone is around.
After Kemi delivered her first child, she got a job with one of this new generation banks. She worked there for almost 31 years, and also had 3 children. But what made Mr Balogun uncomfortable and suspicious about Kemi, before contacting My Boss & I to investigate his wife was...
Kemi's over generosity, to Uncle Shola is so unusual, and not normal.
4 years after her marriage, Kemi persuaded Mr Balogun, to single handedly sponsor Uncle Shola's wedding. Mr Balogun did what she requested. Because he was very rich, and he loves his wife so much.
Years later, she persuaded Mr Balogun to gift Uncle Shola, a house. He did as requested. She Persuaded Mr Balogun, to inject funds into Uncle Shola's business. He did as requested. But what break him off, was the fact that....
The more the years goes by, Kemi kept gifting almost everything he buys for her to Uncle Shola. Mr Balogun usually Buy Kemi, a brand new car, on every year, of her birthday. But she often gift out the Cars to Uncle Shola before her next birthday. Over 25 cars, given out as gifts.
Uncle Shola bought a new house, in a suspicious manner. But what really made Mr Balogun to go the extra mile, was when he bought a brand new car for his wife in 2017. Outside of her usual birthday car. She gifted out the 2017 model car to Uncle Shola, in less than 3 months of use
According to Mr Balogun. He became confused. What is this thing between Uncle Shola, and his wife. Is uncle Shola using vudu on his wife. Even siblings of the same parents, cannot love each other like this. Talk less of cousins. What is really going on. Mr Balogun Murmured.
We sprang into action. We investigated Uncle Shola everywhere. Even to his village. We were able to establish the fact that Uncle Shola, and Mrs Kemi aren't related in any form. But that, they were lovers, & in a relationship, right from when Kemi was attending secondary school.
We brought our findings to Mr Balogun. He almost got heart attack. The paternity of his 4 children became a subject of discussion. Mr Balogun cried and cried and cried like a baby, in his office. He feared for the worst. His children her all grown up. And all doing well.
The first Son is 32 years of age, and a pilot, based in the US. His second child, a man, is 28 years of age, and a medical Doctor. Based in the UK. His 3rd child, a woman, is 26 years of age. And a practicing Lawyer, based in Nigeria. & his last son is 24. A computer scientist.
Mr Balogun cried & cried. He asked us, what would be his fate, if his worst fear, turns into reality. He scattered his filing cabinet in the office, brought out a recent family picture they all took in the US. To the amazement of I & my Boss, all the children looked like Mrs Kemi
I mean, not even one amongst the 4 children, looked like Mr Balogun, or Uncle Shola. That alone, doused the paternity fears and tension. But Mr Balogun still insisted on conducting #DNAtest on his 4 children. Just to be extra sure. Because his wife has lied to him, for too long.
He somehow got all the needed samples, for the #DNAtest. From strings of hair, to blood samples and tooth brushes. He sent them to laboratories conducting DNA test in the US, UK, France and Nigeria.
When the results came back, all failed Mr Balogun 😭😭😭💔💔
DNA test from 4 different countries. None claimed he fathered any of the 4 children he singlehandedly trained into big boys & girl. Flourishing in their various fields of endeavours. Mr Balogun broke down in tears, as he phoned my Boss. He cried that his fears, are real 😭😭😭
He came home with the #DNAtest results, presented it to Mrs Kemi, and demanded for explanation. Mrs Kemi, became furious with Mr Balogun. Questioning him, on what right does he have, to conduct a #DNAtest without her consent. That she or Uncle Shola, has the right to sue him.
But Mr Balogun stood his grounds to request for an explanation. That by the #DNAtest results, all 4 children belongs to Uncle Shola, and she is their mother. But Mrs Kemi denied the DNA test, calling it fake results, from people jealous about the success of her marriage & family.
So Mr Balogun filed for a divorce. With an instruction that his wife, Mrs Kemi will not benefit even a penny of his wealth, if the divorce is granted. Although Kemi was rich, on her own. As a senior bank Executive, she knew the scandal this divorce case would bring to her person.
She started begging her husband day & night. Mr Balogun left the house, to stay in a private lodge. Mrs Kemi bared Uncle Shola from ever coming to her house. That there was crisis in her family over him. The reputation of her bank, is about to be dragged in the mod, anytime soon.
She hurriedly resigned from the bank, before the divorce trial commenced. But the children started suspecting squabbles between Dad & Mum. But none was willing to tell the children what exactly was going on. The first son promised to comeback to Nigeria, to get to the root of it.
Mrs Kemi became so remorseful, she realized her mistakes, & was ready for the consequences. After 2 previous brief Court sittings, the divorce case went into trial. I and my Boss were principal witnesses. So we must attend. Mr Balogun hired a radical barrister, who was ruthless.
On the trial date, we all arrived the court here in Lagos. The atmosphere was electric. Mrs Kemi lawyers are here to argue over consent and divorce compensation. Not about Adultery or #DNAtest results 🙆


PS: I was given permission to share this story.
So the trial commenced with Mrs Kemi called into the trial box, for cross examination by the radical lawyer. He gave her tough question that required tough answers. Her lawyers objected, but the Judge overruled their objection. Mrs Kemi must answer those questions.
The court suddenly went into grave yard silence when Mrs Kemi started speaking. It went from a court trial, to a confession section. Even the judge had a cold feet. She confessed amid tears, how she has been cheating on her husband with Uncle Shola, for 33 years.
How uncle Shola deflowered her at 16. How they started dating, & became so attached. How she married Mr Balogun because of his money, & not because of love. How she got pregnant for Shola, but switched it to Balogun. How she convinced Shola to let her marry, but to still continue
How Shola sleeps with her every now and then, in the name of brother coming to visit his sister. How Shola do travel with her for seminars as a bank Executive. She told the open court that she is guilty of everything. But she isn't aware Shola had all the 4 children. She cried.😭
Why she was confessing, her husband Mr Balogun was crying in the court like a baby. He was weeping with a loud voice. How he loved his wife with all his heart. How he has not for once cheated on her. How he loves his children. How will he break this news to them. 😭😭😭😭
The court went into a crying section. With people bringing out handkerchiefs to wipe away their tears. The male judge had a cold feet. He was lost for words. For few minutes, the judge was just shaking his head.
When Mr Balogun lawyer wanted to ask more questions, Mr Balogun shouted amid tears "ENOUGH ENOUGH" I love my wife, i love my children. The did has been done. We will go home and settle our differences. He went to the trial box to meet his wife Mrs Kemi. He hugged her, and cried.
The Judge asked them to go home and settle their differences. But if they can't reach a common ground before 90 days, they should come back for the case. Mr Balogun told the judge, he is not coming back with his wife to this Court again. That the case is settled.
Just as Mrs Kemi wasn't aware that Uncle Shola, owns those 4 children. Uncle Shola also is not aware that he is the father of those children. So that became a saving grace. The both couple decided to keep that as a secret. To save their children and their marriage.
Mrs Kemi told Uncle Shola, that her husband is now suspecting their affairs. And is in talks to hire a private investigator to investigate them. That he should stay clear of her. Because the issue is already causing crisis in the family.
Through her husband, she sent 30 million naira to Uncle Shola, to start up his life independently without her. That he should relocate to Port Harcourt. Because the husband may soon find out, if he continues to live in Lagos. So Shola hurriedly did as Kemi had told him.
Mr Balogun in the other hand, relocated to the UK, with his wife. Coming to Nigeria once in a while to attend to board meetings of his group of companies. The DNA test results or the divorce case, wasn't disclosed to his children till today. He loves them, & remains their dad.

More from Society

We finally have the U.S. Citizenship Act Bill Text! I'm going to go through some portions of the bill right now and highlight some of the major changes and improvements that it would make to our immigration system.


First the Bill makes a series of promises changes to the way we talk about immigrants and immigration law.

Gone would be the term "alien" and in its place is "noncitizen."

Also gone would be the term "alienage," replaced with "noncitizenship."

Now we get to the "earned path to citizenship" for all undocumented immigrants present in the United States on January 1, 2021.

Under this bill, anyone who satisfies the eligibility criteria for a new "lawful prospective immigrant status" can come out of the shadows.

So, what are the eligibility criteria for becoming a "lawful prospective immigrant status"? Those are in a new INA 245G and include:

- Payment of the appropriate fees
- Continuous presence after January 1, 2021
- Not having certain criminal record (but there's a waiver)

After a person has been in "lawful prospective immigrant status" for at least 5 years, they can apply for a green card, so long as they still pass background checks and have paid back any taxes they are required to do so by law.

However! Some groups don't have to wait 5 years.

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