We have been sent these screenshots from a Facebook group of teachers unofficially affiliated with a major union.

We are disturbed to see this misinformation and lack of understanding of safeguarding being circulated.

We agree that it is important for school staff to be mindful of any trans-identified student in their care, suffering from mental distress (or any students experiencing mental distress for whatever reason).
We understand that the #KeiraBell case will have caused distress to some, especially given the dangerous narrative being irresponsibly pushed that this will make children suicidal and was an attack on their rights, not an action to safeguard and protect them.
The opening paragraph displays bias and a lack of knowledge of latest scientific discussions.
This latest critique casts serious doubts on ‘affirmation’ and “Puberty blockers” being in children’s best interests.
There have been many calls for reviews. The review headed by @Hilary_Cass is finally getting underway. We are awaiting to see what is revealed, particularly in regards to the causes of the exponential rise of young girls wishing to identify as boys.
We question whether the author of the Facebook post has in fact read or understood the high court judgement. The judgement is linked here in our statement on the case
This statement “Due to this case bringing Gillick Competence into question... there are potential implications for young people consenting to other medical care: for example those wishing to access the morning after pill.’ Is simply untrue.
What this court case has done is re-affirm what Gillick Competency means and ensure that the standards set for the protection of children are adhered to. Contraception for under 16’s is covered by Fraser guidelines which are very clear.
It is very worrying that individuals purporting to work with children have such a poor understanding of safeguarding, Gillick competence & Fraser guidelines. Concerted efforts must be made to improve widespread understanding of all of these.
Children have a right to be safeguarded & protected until such time as they develop the cognitive abilities to safeguard themselves. Safeguarding children is the responsibility of all adults in society, at the moment we are letting them down. We should all be ashamed of this.
It is abhorrent that ‘human rights’ organisations such as @amnesty and @libertyhq @KateAllenAI
have no understanding of #safeguarding and children’s charities such as @NSPCC @barnardos @childrensociety
are silent when they should be educating them.
We too were shocked by the 22-26 month waiting times referred to in the judgement. However we do not believe that ‘loving parents’ should take their children abroad for illegal & unethical treatment. This would be a failure to safeguard them.
We believe a judicial review of CAMHS waiting times, that affect all children struggling with mental health would be more constructive than a demand for off label experimental drugs to be given to children who cannot possibly consent to the implications.
We also believe that the mainstream media have been in dereliction of duty in failing to accurately report on the unfolding medical scandal involving vulnerable children. The Guardian have finally reported here:
It is scandalous that @guardian failed to report on this in 2017 when clinicians tried to whistle blow to them, desperate to safeguard vulnerable children. @Transgendertrd stepped up to the plate to help, when everyone whose job it was failed to do so.
School and union leaders must all read this moving statement from #KeiraBell and fulfill their responsibilities to ensure everybody working in schools has a sufficient understanding of what safeguarding and this judgement means.

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