Do you know how racist you gotta be to fall for QAn*n?

It certainly isn’t driven by economic anxiety. They’re scared of losing the privilege whiteness affords. Trumps represented the last bastion of hope. He was the vanguard.
That’s what made them scale the Capitol walls, wave a Confederate flag, and smear sh*t on the walls. That’s what compelled them to beat a cop with a hockey stick.
When’re are y’all gonna play that part out loud?
You gotta be so deeply vested in your racism that it vetoes all rational thought.
Do you know how much you gotta hate Brown people to think it’s okay to lock their babies up in cages?
Do you realize how much you gotta loathe Black people to think a man like Trump was the best thing to happen to us?
Do you not understand the utter sense of disdain one must harbor for this republic to sh*t on walls, bust out its windows and attempt to hunt down its leaders?
And you did that why? To keep Black and Brown people from growing in political and economic power. Because you’re afraid that one day the color of somebody’s skin will mean nothing.
You actually like the idea of judging somebody by their skin. Because, under that measure, you’re sure you’re always going to come out on top.
You say you’re colorblind, because you only want whiteness to count. To deal with inequity to costly and you think you’ll have to pay the price out of your own pocket.
“If you can only be tall because somebody is on their knees, then you have a serious problem. My feeling is that white people have a very, very serious problem. And they should start thinking about what they can do about it.” -Morrison
It’s way passed time that you ask yourselves: Who are we *really*?

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