For over 200 years the Census has asked “What is your sex”. This year there will also be an *extra* question asking about gender identity. That’s great. Two questions about two different concepts - lots of useful information /1

One question about facts – the sex you were born.
One question about feelings – how people identity and live.
The extra question will give us our first accurate indication of the size of the trans community. A move welcomed by everyone /2
So what's the problem? It's that trans pressure groups such as Stonewall say it's not enough that trans people have their own gender identity question. They think trans people should be allowed to answer BOTH questions according to gender identity /3
They say it's simply too offensive and hurtful to ask trans person a factual question about sex they were registered at birth. So now an undefined number of people will be allowed to put the wrong answer to the sex question so we don’t hurt anyone's feelings /4
This has alarmed scientists who need accurate data on sex.
Last year 80 academics, including Professors from top universities, wrote to the ONS saying they mustn’t do this /5
ONS ignored the experts and instead listened to Stonewall.

On Friday they confirmed there would be guidance accompanying the sex question allowing people to answer with a gender identity instead of the sex they were born /6
Why does this matter?

It matters because the ONS sets the gold standard for statistics and data collection.

Their decision will now make it taboo to ask what sex you were born. /7
Covid scientists are very concerned. Sex is vital for understanding the medical and social impacts of the Covid pandemic. More men are dying with Covid. Lockdown is hitting women harder. We all need accurate data on sex /8
We've spoken to a researcher recruiting people for a Covid Vaccine study. She told us the ONS decision makes her job harder. She needs to know biological sex but feels like she can’t ask that now. Instead she'll follow the ONS and ask a convoluted question about identity /9
So in middle of a global pandemic the scientists who will help us get out of this mess are not gathering the data they need because they are too worried about political correctness /10
Not must not be wrong to ask people what sex they were born. We need to know it. We need be able to ask it. It really is as simple as that /11
Our Chief Statistician should be prioritising FACTS not FEELINGS.

And the public needs to trust that our national statistics are free from interference by ideological pressure groups /12
Fair Play For Women has now instructed a barrister to evaluate the lawfulness of the ONS’s decision and approach.

If the ONS has broken the law we will hold them to account in the high court by requesting a judicial review /13

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