This is what downtown San Francisco looks like right now.

I have no words right now to convey the shock and disappointment I feel towards our local government.

My hands are trembling I am so angry at our leaders.

This is their doing.
Boarded windows > broken windows.

This is what happens when the criminal justice system doesn't work.

San Francisco has become lawless and residents and businesses are going into self-protection mode.

The stats are fictitious. Nobody reports. People are hunkering down.
We are all over the news.

A shiny example of what a progressive-run city looks like.

I believe our government is more akin to a regime than a body of public servants.

San Franciscans -- this is our doing. It's up to us to reverse the trend.
If you are bothered by the direction of things, get involved.

Read San Fransicko, get on Twitter, engage with your neighbors, talk to local business owners.

This is going to take years to turn around...

First up, recalls.

(Follow up)

Someone sent me an album of more photos.

I made a slideshow on YouTube and added some thoughts.

Still grappling with why I think this situation is so concerning.

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