The October Surprise of 2020: a #qanon and #BigDickAnon read.

I don't think it's a coincidence that BDA posted the Seven Days In May trailer on the same day President Trump tweeted this out:

The President also just retweeted this:

It's the Hillary Clinton private email server bit I'm interested in. Because Q told us what was on it.

Let's go through it.

2011 Shuttle Program terminated by Hussein.
US loses space dominance.

Then a link to a Fox News story (now 404) that said the Oboma administration knew about NK's miniaturized nukes.

IRAN Nuke deal.
NK Nuke/Missile Tech.
NASA Tech to ?

Barry gave NASA's tech to SpaceX. @elonmusk passed it on to NK so they would have ICBM capability. He also gave Iran and NK the US's nuke tech.

HRC SAPs (private server).
$$$,$$$,$$$.00 (pockets).

Ah. So here's where Hillary enters the game. She used her private email server to profit from peddling Special Access Programs.

SAP programs are above Top Secret. Merely possessing them without authorization is treason. They include things like the identity of US agents abroad and nuclear secrets. Q is implying Hillary was selling them for money. #FBIAnon said the same thing.


For the President to even mention HRC's private email server, let alone saying he's declassified all documents related to it, means things are rapidly coming to a head.

BDA said 'this is where we are now':

I'll take him at his word. That means right now, the President is aware of an attempted military coup and is taking steps behind the scenes to deal with it.

Strap in patriots.


More from Qanon

Oh we care Ben. Lots of people care. What we DON'T care about is your greasy, treasonous, dual-loyalty opinion of it.

That's why the media really hates Q, isn't it? Millions of people asking questions instead of being obediently afraid.

Your worst nightmare.


Sometimes the mask slips and we can see what you really wanted all along.

Fear. Your stock in trade.

Everyone on God's green earth from Barney The Dinosaur upwards knows the President Of The United States has a ridiculously high overall security clearance.

Except you. You're outraged that he's retweeting 'conspiracy theories.'

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