10 Important Life’s Lessons You MUST Learn
before You're 30

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1. Putting yourself first isn't selfish.

You have to put yourself first to achieve anything significant in life.

This does not mean betraying people or taking advantage of others.

It simply means doing what is a priority for you before you commit to other people.
2. Be conscious of the people you spend time with:

Your association determines your acceleration.

Remember this saying by Jim Rohn,

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”
3. Get rid of Bad Habits:

In your 20s, you’re under a great temptation to try things.

Whether it's a poor sleep cycle that you've acquired over the years or it's your excessive smoking tendency

You need to get rid of bad habits now or they’ll destroy you in the nearest future.
4. Don’t take anything for granted

We often don’t appreciate what we have until it’s gone:

- your health
- your family
- opportunity and friends

Nothing in your life is guaranteed to be there
5. Make a budget

The first thing that you must learn to control as adults are your finances.

Budgeting doesn’t have to be complex or difficult.

You can make it extremely simple by making a simple list of:

- what you need
- what you do not want, &
- controlling how you spend.
6. Form Saving & Investment Habit

Now that you’re in your 20s, try and form the habit of saving and learning about various investment portfolios.

Investing when you’re young is one of the best ways to see solid returns on your money.

That’s thanks to compound interest.
7. Your single greatest asset is your health… Both mental and physical.

Without them, nothing else matters.

Read "Detox Yourself" by @MindHealthMoney to

—Understand your Body
—Fix your food habits
—Build your Immunity naturally.

Click Here: https://t.co/jHS68CDwB0
8. Give Up Your Need To Be Liked

Distract yourself from caring about others by "caring about yourself".

- Take care of your body.

- Take care of your mind.

Be the best person that you can be, that way people will like you for who you are, and you can stop wanting it.
9. Time is the one thing you can never get back.

Every day is precious, so do what you love.

Write down your goals, both big and small, and tackle them one by one.
10. You need a library:

But why?


To be successful in life, you have to know things most people don’t know

And the best place to get such knowledge is from books.
Read the greats in math, science, and philosophy.

Grab Mental Models & get 50 of the best books in history for FREE!

Books included:

—The Art of War
—Dialogues by Seneca, etc. 👇

And that's a wrap!

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One more thing!

@Infinitians1 and I have launched a Mentorship program to skyrocket your Twitter Growth

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P.S: Only 3 spot left!

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