THREAD šŸ“ŒThose of us whose lives have been made a living hell by Trump's presidency have a right to ask those of you who voted Trump/Trump proxy (yes, your Stein votes threw the election to Trump in PA, WI & MI), to have the decency to just STFU. Not everything is about you.

And FGS everyone stop applauding GOP who put us here for their belated mea culpas or one tweet you agree with. If you want to applaud, applaud folks who were doing the work of the past 4yrs, not coming in at the end to say they wouldn't make the same awful mistake again.
And if you want "healing," don't demand it of people who have been hurt. Let the folks who skimmed through the past 4yrs painlessly do that work. Some of you don't even know that Betsy DeVos was one of the most effective Cabinet members--destroying thousands of young lives.
This is a tenuous time. People are wounded--and I do not mean Trump folks because I honestly could not conceivably care less about them. I mean people I have been interviewing over 4yrs: BIPOC, women, immigrants, LGBTQ, poor and disabled people, Muslims. SO MUCH SUFFERING.
22k people died this week and that is because 77k people out of 130M just couldn't bring themselves to vote for a brilliant life-long public servant because something something vagina emails speeches and whateverthefck you lied to yourself about in 2016 to "show" Hillary.
We need a reckoning in this country. Some accountability for the way the past 4yrs shook out. We are stuck with THIRTY MORE YEARS of Trump's judiciary because you had a misogynist tantrum in 2016. And TWELVE MILLION MORE people voted for Trump this time. So you didn't learn.
No one was asking you to hide a family of Jews in your attic. No one was asking you to give sanctuary to undocumented people. WE JUST ASKED YOU TO VOTE TO PROTECT US. And you refused. Now you want forgiveness, not accountability. You want a clean slate. To move on. Guiltless.
We never hold powerful men accountable, either. People still invoke Reagan like he was heroic instead of the most racist president in US history who didn't own slaves. All Trump's talking points came from Reagan. He just smiled as he targeted Black people as cheats and thugs.
People turned the Bushes into cute folk heroes instead of holding them accountable. GWB just got his pal Kavanaugh on the SCOTUS for the next 30yrs. And got Collins re-elected. Even Nixon got to play elder statesman, writing a dozen best-sellers. Nixon. Absolved.
There is so much to say. And so little listening. People already want to move on. People keep telling me to let it go, that it's time to unify. I am not making nice with people who wanted me, my family, my neighbors, my city obliterated and who JUST TRIED TO STEAL OUR VOTES.
It's the zenith of gaslighting to tell victims they must forgive abusers instead of holding the abusers accountable. So those of you doing that? Stop. Go work on getting your racist, xenophobic, anti-LGBTQ relatives to apologize. THAT is the work that will begin the healing.
The terrible truth is if Trump hadn't urged his people not to vote by mail, he might have won. As it is, it was ridiculously close, given the past 4yrs + #pandemic. And now those angry MAGAs are Trump's legacy--smearing feces throughout our Capitol like animals. #NeverForget.

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