(1) #ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. Why? We can't tolerate 2 more yrs of her leadership in the House. She has an awful record & is an incompetent negotiator.

(2) #ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. Pelosi led the Democrats to a disastrous defeat in 2010 after failing to pass MFA then. In 2020, she led Ds to lose 10 seats in the House & set them up 4 a disaster in2022.
(3) #ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. Pelosi is a fiscal disaster imposing paygo on the Dem Party for yrs & stopping progressive legislation requiring deficit spending. She is a fiscal hawk down with austerity.
#ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. Pelosi is a disaster when it comes to military spending. She never met a Defense spending bill she didn't like.
(5) #ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. What kinds of changes? Floor votes on GND bills such as a Federal Job Guarantee or a Basic Income, or Free College or Student Debt elimination or paid family leave.
(6) #ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. What kinds of changes? Rule changes such as: elimination of paygo, & a rule triggering floor votes if a bill gets > 20 co-sponsors. If this rule was in place we's have MFA now!
(7) #ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. The trigger rule 4 floor votes would democratizetheHouse making each rep more powerful. U vote 4 a rep 2 serve u. Why would u want an oligarch & her team running the House?
(8) #ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. What changes: Better Committee spots 4 the Squad & progressives. Oligarchs in the House have been shutting Squad down, leaving them off important, committees. This ends now!
(9) #ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. What changes? The floor vote on MFA! It's nearly 60 years since JFK called for health care for everyone & 77 years since FDR called for it. How long? Oh, how long must we wait.
#ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. What changes? The Floor Vote 4 MFA: How long? Oh How long must we wait 4 health care justice. Nancy says we'll never get it! Boot her out!
#ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. What changes? MFA floor vote. Keeping Pelosi in power is costing u years off ur life. Did u know Canada used 2 have same life expectancy as we did? Now nearly 4 yrs > US. And Japan?
#ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. Some of u may be worried about the risk of getting McCarthy is Pelosi is replaced. Ain't gonna happen: https://t.co/4uWCDvA5Mh
#ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. Some may be worried about other risks to Squad. Don't be! If she's not Speaker, she can't punish. https://t.co/WPETulfNNM
#ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. Some of u may be wondering what the benefits are of replacing Pelosi. Well: https://t.co/AuxT8EoYRf
#ReplacePelosiJan3 & negotiate w/other Speaker candidates 2 THEN #ForceTheVote + get more changes. Is the risk worth the benefits? The Squad needs this fight! Otherwise inside/outside strategy will fail because movement can't wait 4 Pelosi 2 retire! https://t.co/pA1YxhL1a2

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