It takes guts to truly face hard truths. But facing them is the only way to protect oneself going forward. This is why I keep reminding people that the Republican Party is beyond repair. 1/

The Republican Party’s internal structures, at the state and federal level, are dominated by people actively opposed to democratic pluralism, rule of law, and U.S. constitutionalism. 2/
Once a political party refuses to drop its support for a leader, in this case Donald Trump, who constantly and consistently betrayed the country throughout his time in office that party cannot be salvaged as a player in U.S. constitutional democracy. 3/
Everybody else, from individual rank and file Democrats to President Joe Biden, must radically overhaul how they deal with people who do not disaffiliate from the Republican Party. 4/
Anybody who remains a Republican at this point must be presumed to be an enemy of U.S. constitutionalism, rather than as somebody with right wing policy views. 5/
It may be necessary to work with Republicans but it can only be done with the background understanding that they are no longer partners in American democracy. A wholly strategic stance must be taken. 6/
Yes, we are stuck with Republicans. But we don’t have to accord them a presumption of legitimacy. If and when a new party, clearly committed to US constitutional democracy, emerges, new political partnership may be possible. 7/
For now though there is only one possible political party for anybody who is to be trusted: the Democratic Party. Either you join it or caucus with it as an independent. Otherwise, you cast yourself as a threat to democratic pluralism, rule of law, and US constitutionalism. 8/8

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