THREAD: January 6

1. It’s the first day of 2021 and I’ve been pondering some election questions that no-one is really asking.

But first, let's revisit some context:

- Trump said in 2016 that HRC would be arrested if he won office, AND that he would drain the DC swamp.

- Trump said in 2019 that he’d beaten the Deep State and that no one else could have done it.

- Trump enacted EO on September 12, 2018 in order to track electoral fraud.

- Trump ignored obvious fraud in the 2018 US mid-terms, where video evidence was also submitted.
- Trump held rallies like no other President, in front of crowds that were unprecedented.

Every indication was that a landslide was the only scenario unfolding and everyone who was watching closely, saw it.

Biden couldn't gather an audience, let alone a crowd!
4. To expose any election fraud, a landslide victory would always be necessary, or else it would be too easily covered up.

Post-election, we see Trump golfing, tweeting about election-fraud and appearing very calm.

It is all very odd, for a man who truly believes he was robbed!
5. On this evidence, I would question if he even cares about his own role as President?

However, I absolutely believe he cares about the rights of the people and their right to a fair election. This has always been Trump’s passion.

He is refusing to fight for himself.
6. This strategy is pure wisdom.

He knows that if the US people will not fight for their own cause (truth, justice and transparency), then his battle is already lost, and needs no more effort by him.

Trump has handed the baton to the people and the various powers that be.
7. The ball is currently in the court of "we the people", who must be willing to take back government.

However, there is an aspect to this fight that no-one has noticed, and it relates to the context I presented up front.

Trump is painting himself into a corner.
8. With so much evidence of: Election fraud, Ukrainian evidence against Biden, corruption against Obama and the FBI after 2016 and so much more, Trump has the authority to declassify it all.

He’s asked for declassification [politely] but he has the power to force it.

He hasn’t.
9. Having been trusted by the people AND voted in for a second-term in a landslide victory (his words), if he limply does nothing and fades away into oblivion, he is complicit with this treason against the US people.

He would be acting against those he claims he fights for!
10. I’ll say it again: If Trump does not expose what he knows to the people, in order to prevent a corrupted citizen from seizing authority over the ‘nuclear football’, then Trump is also a traitor to the US.

The US Military will not let this happen.
11. So, what may be happening behind the scenes?

a) Could the White Hats have met with every Governor, Legislature and supervisor and tell them that treason has occurred and they are complicit, if they continue down this route of obvious election fraud?

b) Could the White Hats have told them that evidence will be dripped out and that they can avoid the executions that are about to befall those who coordinated this fraud against the US people?

(Recall that Trump restored Federal executions not long ago).
13. Could we see swing states recertify very quickly before the “official” count on Jan 6?

Could we see some very late 'flips', at the precipice?

Could the crowd of Patriots descending upon DC on Jan 6 be a powerful message to the radical left that they are the minority?
14. Could this DC Patriot-gathering be sending a message that needless violence will not be tolerated?

It will certainly be a very interesting 7 days.

Summary: Trump acts now or he is complicit in the treason.

He allowed himself to be painted into this corner.


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THREAD: Original Trusts

1. Just for a moment, ponder:

- Does anyone own humanity?
- Does anyone 'think' they own humanity?
- Can a corporation own you, or just control you?
- What are ancient Trusts and who owned them?
- Do ancient Trusts still hold any authority in society?

2. Trusts and Corporations have woven a form of control around the earth and we are just now realizing their influence on society.

Let's explore how this may have occurred.

The earliest Trusts were not legal entities as they are today; they were powerful ‘statements of claim’.

3. They were known as Express Trusts.

These Trust required very little formality and could even be enacted orally, as proclamations.

They were most-commonly used for property transfers.

4. The first Express Trust was Unam Sanctam decreed in 1302.

With some egotistical distortions of biblical writing, this Trust effectively made Pope Boniface King of the World, believing that “every human creature” was now subject to the authority of the Pope (Item #9).

5. In celebration, he commissioned a gold-plated head-dress in the shape of a pine cone, with an elaborate crown at its base.

Note carefully, that it was the “growing body of canon law” (judges) that began to give the Pope his authority; both temporal (worldly) and spiritual.
THREAD: Enemy Combatants

1. There is a preponderance of evidence that the C C P were involved influencing the outcome of the US 2020 election. The details are available to those who wish to look.

I cannot be convinced that the Military didn’t watch all of this, in real time.

2. I cannot be convinced that DNI Ratcliffe isn’t investigating this matter exactly as per the 2018 Executive Order on Foreign Interference in an election.

I cannot be convinced that Biden will ever get a security clearance, even as a visitor to the WH.

3. The eyes of the world are now on the US Military and the Supreme Court (SC).

People are talking of war, cyber-terr0rism, treas0n, Chynese Military troops in Canada and US Naval ships off the coast lines.

Remain calm.

A counter-insurgency must involve the nation's citizens.

4. The importance of US Military law and the role of the SC reminded of that intriguing (almost scripted) interview between Sen. Lindsay Graham and SC Judge Brett Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing.

[Link at end of thread].

5. Firstly, Graham invoked the heartstrings by reminding everyone of the 9/11 tragedy AND then got Kavanaugh to confirm that the US was still legally at war, due the Authorization for Use of Military Force resolution of

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