I've worked in IT for a few decades. The 2020 election is fraudulent. No one explained the core of the fraud, the configuration of the servers. I'm talking best practices
USB ports are disabled on every server and on many workstations to protect data and prevent intrusions.

Logs are reports of events on server functionality visible on screen or in print. Levels of users are defined w/ permissions. Administrators have full control over the server and software. They can read, edit, and write code or change internal server settings.
Next, there are Power Users. A Power User can't install new software. Others can read but can’t change anything. Access is severely limited. If the server is configured correctly their NAMES are visible.
Login are multifactor. Logs also show any intrusion attempts and can show the IP address (unique set of numbers identifying every computer) if the server is configured to do this. You can backtrack using the IP to identify the location of intruder.
Logs show backup schedules and data loss. Given the sensitivity of the data, assume a full backup. A couple of ways to do this. Another identical server, or the Cloud or RAID – Random Array of Inexpensive Disks. RAID disks located in the server itself capture pieces
information and an R5 can reconstruct any lost data. It is reliable. A cloud server receiving a backup is tricky. These servers can be anywhere in the world and there are no regulations I’m aware of regarding a cloud backup. No matter what anyone says, backup are done.
The trick is finding the backup and legally procuring it. Organizations maintain scrupulous documentation on their setups. Dominion, ES&S, should be able to produce the logs w/o subpoena. There are ISO standards as well.
Software can be updated while servers are fully operational. During the counting pause, what were they doing.? Another 2 am miracle, getting 300,000 votes miraculously tabulated for Biden with NO downstream ballot selections. If configured to best practice, this is on logs.
If Dominion can’t produce logs? That’s flat out fraud. Logs are saved in the server. Permitting USBs same as logs absolute fraud. Finding 37 USBs with recorded votes in a zip lock bag should invalidate an entire election. Watching poll workers walking around
taking USBs from one machine to another. I left out a lot of information and will add to this if anyone asks me. The logs are the key to fraud. I’d welcome hearing from CISSPs and anyone involved in Info Sec.
I apologize for any typos or errors. Twitter was refreshing as I was typing.
@threadreaderapp please unroll

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This media manipulation effort was inspired by the success of the "kids in cages" freakout, a 100% Stalinist propaganda drive that required people to forget about Obama putting migrant children in cells. It worked, so now they want pics of Trump "gassing children on the border."

There's a heavy air of Pallywood around the whole thing as well. If the Palestinians can stage huge theatrical performances of victimhood with the willing cooperation of Western media, why shouldn't the migrant caravan organizers expect the same?

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The product sold by Anarchy, Inc. is victimhood. It always boils down to the same formula: once the existing order can be painted as oppressors and children as their victims, chaos wins and order loses. Look at the lefties shrieking in unison about "Trump gassing children" today.
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What would that "look like" in reality?

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This is partly what makes it impossible to have a constructive conversation nowadays. The stubborn refusal to accept that opposition to Trumpism and GOP nationalism is about more than simply holding different beliefs about things in and of itself. 👇

It's fine for people to hold different beliefs. But that doesn't mean all beliefs deserve equal treatment or tolerance and it doesn't mean intolerance of some beliefs makes a person intolerant of every belief which they don't share.

So if I said I don't think Trumpism deserves to be tolerated because it's just a fresh 21st century coat of cheap paint on a failed, dangerous 20th century ideology (fascism) that doesn't mean I'm intolerant of all beliefs with which I disagree. You'd think this would be obvious.

Another important facet. People who support fascist movements tend to give what they think are valid reasons for supporting them. That doesn't mean anyone is obliged to tolerate fascism or accept their proffered excuse.

Say you joined a neighborhood group that sets up community gardens and does roadside beautification projects. All good, right? Say one day you're having a meeting and you notice the President and exec board of this group are saying some bizarre things about certain neighbors.

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