Before I try to solve the GoodReserve vs. GoodStaking problem, which involves math and time and interest, let me solve something easier, which is all of modern politics.

Here's an example. When the pandemic was in the first wave here in Brazil, you could see lots of cultural noise about the fact that rich people were not dying because they got hospital care, whereas poor maids etc. were getting infected by rich people e.g. coming back from Italy.
Then, after a while, this story died. We "know" this now, but nothing happened.

When this sort of thing happens -- lots of noise, followed by normalization -- we are trained to think that that's *OUR* fault as cultural noisemakers.

Why do we think that?

We think that because of all the times making noise worked.

Or did it? Did it actually work? Was it actually the noise that "changed" things?
Nope. The noise doesn't change anything.


Here's how this works.
The game the ruling class plays with "politics", during "normal" functioning of the system at least, is the following. They look at us making noise about things, and when we manage, with great *effort*, to make *a whole lot of noise*, then they decide to "change" a thing.
The idea is that we made them "afraid" of us.

99 times out of 100, that is NOT what happens.

They are not afraid of us. They have the fucking army and police. They have the legal system. They have the financial system, businesses, politicians, media. We have jack shit.
The only -- ONLY -- problem that the ruling class has, is the problem of hiding that we don't have JACK SHIT. Other than numbers. Other than raw body and mind capacity that could "Organize." Certainly you heard that term before.
To PREVENT us from "Organizing", from realizing the real score, they have to keep us *wanting to shout*, *hoping that shouting "works"*.

Why? Because it DRAINS our energy. It drains us DEEPLY. You can notice that, certainly.

Can you see it? Great. So stop it.
The "shouting" I'm talking about here is a metaphor. It does not mean being loud and spending all your energy. What I mean is spend all your energy, if you want, into "Organizing." Not playing THEIR game. Which I will also explain in detail here how to tell those apart.
The thing is simply that appeals to morality and decency do not do anything, because the ruling structure is a sociopathic business structure with zero feeling and zero regard for life or decency or anything like that. The content of the shouting is ZERO.
What matters is that the ruling structure understands *their* business very, very well, and their business is to keep us occupied and exhausted, by roping us further and further into the impression that moralistic shouting and appeals to decency changes anything at all.
What they do is to create the impression that "changing things" through protest is "hard," instead of impossible, and they do that by looking at 1 out of 100 of what we do, and going, lol, that's cute, let's push the system, so they nudge it themselves, and we go "YAY we did it!"
So they invest in 1 out of 100 "damage" to their system, but what they buy in return is the continued widespread illusion that protesting in that way is something that has an effect. And, anyway, they take all of that investment back from decade to decade, in reactionary waves.
Anything that's an actual threat to the actual system is usually mapped out and silently eliminated if it grows too big.
An "Organization" effort is an effort that is not about shouting for things to happen incessantly.

Organizing is creating your own business, law, money, politics, culture, education, police, army, UBI fund, agricultural forest, intentional community, etc.
Spending communicational energy is part of Organizing, but it is only part of Organizing if you are doing it as part of an intentional, conscious plan to build power, and if you understand what building power means.
If you are spending energy in communication, but that energy is just petitioning for the powerful to nudge THEIR structures strategically just so that your favorite issue that you choose to shout is the one that is picked in the 1 of 100 criteria (leaving others out)...
... then congratulations, maybe your pet complaint is temporarily accommodated, in exchange for the perpetuation of the culture of meaningless-in-the-long-run shouting.

The point is whether you want to dislodge this ruling structure or not.
This is a class society. You're a "middle" or lower class peon, you have no power. This is a highly-centralized, aristocratic-structure society, as it has been for very many centuries. It just superficially updates itself, but the core mechanism is the same.
Since you have no power, you are not responsible -- AT ALL -- for anything that's happening, that requires politician control, army, police, judges, businesses, banks, money, control of education programs, schools, media, etc.
The illusion of overblown individual responsibility is fundamental to maintain control, because it uses your empathy against yourself. If you think you are responsible or that you can change things, you will exhaust yourself.

Stop it. No power = no responsibility.
Here are the realms you have full power: your personal life. What you eat. How you reproduce. How you treat dogs, or other people in your life. Whether you're going to eat garbage and get into debt or not.

Or whether you're going to fall for a centuries-old ruling class trick.
Moralistic shouting does not work because the people who are going to hear your moralistic shouting have the exact same amount of Organized Power than you have, which is zero.

300,000,000 x 0 = 0
And you're not going to penetrate propaganda with your shouting anyway. It requires extreme situations for cultural division to dissipate. Think 80's Romania. That's the kind of environment you need for the "99%" to be an actual thing whose size and rage spontaneously organizes.
The building of "Structures" which have power, teeth, is the only thing that can play the power game. The power game is impervious to any amount of enraged human bodies whose routines and thoughts have already been thoroughly studied and mapped.
I am assuming that changing the actual things, the actual way that decisions are made, the actual SystemTM, is what you want. If you don't actually want that, then of course you can just disregard all this.
That's what people who complain about "Electorialism" are complaining about.
Again, if you don't control things like armies and police, you control jack shit. Nada. Zero. Zilch. Complain all you want, it doesn't matter.
This thread is not "truth." No "thread" is "truth." It is a model. And if the model is successful, it will help you be more truthful to something that you already feel is true but were unsure of it.

More from Fabiana Cecin 🏴 🌹

But you see you don't actually understand how lawmaking works there's this set of procedures and dates that BLEAAAARGHHHHHvomitvomit

Neoliberalism is an economic genocidal ideology predicated on maintaining capitalism, and capitalism is the impoverishment, oppression and death of poor people because that's the OBJECTIVE of capitalist ideology. It's a malthusian ideology.

Neoliberals are the original Alt-Right

Capitalism has ZERO todo with "markets vs. no markets," or "central planning vs. decentralization." That's *propaganda*. That's a diversion.

Capitalism is the NAME OF THE ABSENCE of any support for poor people. In capitalism, giving ANY power to poor people is a CRIME.

Capitalism has an *exception* to the strict forbiddance of giving any economic power to the 99%, and that is the concept of "Merit."

If you act as a SLAVE (wage slave), then you can get some crumbs to *temporarily* avoid your death. While you are mechanically useful.

These fucking Neoliberals which are 99% of the Democratic Party in the US are all POSING as nice people. They are not. They are all sociopaths.

This economic fascism is so thoroughly normalized in the US that nobody has a concept of what capitalism is.

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And here they are...


Remember, this money is just fun. If you launched a product (or even attempted a launch) - you did something worth MUCH more than $1,000.


The winners 👇


Lattes For Change - Skip a latte and save a life.

@frantzfries built a platform where you can see how skipping your morning latte could do for the world.

A great product for a great cause.

Congrats Chris on winning $250!


Instaland - Create amazing landing pages for your followers.

A team project! @bpmct and @BaileyPumfleet built a tool for social media influencers to create simple "swipe up" landing pages for followers.

Really impressive for 24 hours. Congrats!


SayHenlo - Chat without distractions

Built by @DaltonEdwards, it's a platform for combatting conversation overload. This product was also coded exclusively from an iPad 😲

Dalton is a beast. I'm so excited he placed in the top 10.


CoderStory - Learn to code from developers across the globe!

Built by @jesswallaceuk, the project is focused on highlighting the experience of developers and people learning to code.

I wish this existed when I learned to code! Congrats on $250!!