21 December 2020 #MAGAanalysis #HeMightBeRight

A Shocking Theory - He Might Be Right

Today, we'll finish General Mac's interview with Sarah Westall, here at Twitter: @westall_sarahw. I've made it up to 26:51 in notations and responses so far.

2) As a student of how studying works, I was deeply surprised by yesterday's work. The interview up on one screen, my thread up on the other, I was able to start and stop comfortably. I could look up sources by pausing the interview. I enjoyed it. That shocks me.
3) Mind, I'm NOT saying I did a good job. It was the first time I've ever done that sort of commentary and real time research simultaneously. It's all kind of weird to me. You know, old dogs, new tricks, not easy, but so much fun!
4) From then till now, however, I've noticed an explosion of confusion in our nation over what's actually happening. We're in a fantastically sensitive moment in our history. Who's voice do we listen to, now? This is a tremendous question. Who's voice?
5) Most people don't care as much about theory as I do. I am a theoretician. Some fighting part of me knew, back in 2016, that almost no one was working off a very specific theoretical base. Maybe Trump was right. Allow me to shout:


That is a theory.
6) I can't linger to reminisce about what that meant then, because it's so important right now. The same theory, and its corollaries, are critical for where we are right now. There's a somewhat surprising additional concept underlying my theory. Respect.
7) Before I was able to surrender to my desire to support Trump, I had to complete my research. So, I reread The Art of the Deal - more on that another time - and then ordered every book he'd written. Funny thing. Before that, I didn't even know he was a best selling author.
8) So let me ask. How many of Trump's books have you read? Don't take that as a challenge, please. I only ask in order to illustrate how my theory works. If you joined me in my theory you'd buy a Trump book and then ask, what if maybe...

Trump Was Right?
9) Having employed this theory since 2016, I can tell you that even for me - I am a gigantic Trump supporter, obviously! - the answer to the question does not always come out yes. Trump was far from always right. I have many major disagreements with my leader.
10) What I don't do is publicize my disagreements. I don't attack the man whom I support. It was obvious to me that he had plenty enough attackers, he had no need of my additional input to those attacks. My hope was always to be a friend, a true friend.
11) From the moment I formulated the question till this very day, I have yet to regret my theory. I look at every situation through that lens. No need to select any specifics, history is moving too fast. I purport that assuming Trump might be right is the right mode now.
12) And that brings us up the generals, specifically @GenFlynn and General McInerney. Let me speak about General Flynn for a moment, first. He was always 100% innocent. As such, he is a specimen of America's decline. Innocence is not presumed. The presumption has died.
13) Dive into the strategic issue with me. General Flynn has - had back then - knowledge that obliterates the power of The Cabal. Need a reminder? Listen again to this February 1, 2017, Press Conference.

14) In all the tacticall brouhaha, it seems no one ever asks the strategic question. Why was Flynn taken out, back then? Why is he so dangerous today? Knowing where the skeletons are buried is but a weak tactical flash. His real danger is strategic, not tactical.
15) From the moment the Deep State took Flynn out of his rightful position as National Security Advisor, my theory shifted. It went from Trump Might Be Right, to Flynn is 100% Innocent.

Deep State is guilty. Flynn is innocent.

That's what guided me in those dark days.
16) Count it up so far.

1) Trump Might Be Right
2) Flynn is 100% Innocent

And then there's General Thomas McInerney. Could it be? Might he too be right?
17) Here's a single point. Martial Law. Add the Insurrection Act. Could it be that General Mac is right? If you ask @KateScopelliti, you'll feel her anger and fury. She'll tell you General Mac is right. Call down Martial Law now, she says, and address the treason in America.
18) In yesterday's work I couldn't help but notice, and comment on that fact that General Mac keeps calling out treason. Treason, treason, treason. He sees it everywhere. Oh, what a quack. Or...maybe, he might be right.
19) Turn now to the question of debate itself. It hold underlying, a fundamental principle. You might be right. Yes, I disagree with you now, but you might be right, I might be wrong. That theory, your opponent might be right, is the key to honest debate.
20) If you're 100% sure your opponent is wrong, then step away. Do not debate. A true debate requires my theory, the other guy might be right. If you can't imagine that, then don't debate. Focus your energy elsewhere. Don't debate.
21) Here's another example. Trump's tweets are offensive, but...blah, blah, blah. No! No, no, no! You may be offended, and I'm okay with that. But there's an error in your theory. You think you should judge his tweets by yours, or by normal standards. Hogwash.
22) 24 hours a day, Trump is fighting a war. His tweets are one of the most important strategic assets he has in fighting that war. If you wish to read his tweets rightly, my theory is required. Maybe Trump was right. That is, maybe he SHOULD have tweeted EXACTLY what he did.
23) The principle is general. Why would you listen to anyone at all speak, if there was NO possibility he might be right?

It may be a definition of listening that, when NOT speaking, you imagine that the speaker might be right. I'm of this hard school. Let me illustrate.
24) If you and I are on the phone, and you're speaking and I'm silently but attentively listening, you may be assured I'm imagining that you might be right. If I can not imagine that, I'll interrupt you, and tell you, "I can't hear you right now. You're not cutting through."
25) So I propose that the very act of listening itself demands the presumption of possible rightness. I like that!

The Presumption of Possible Rightness

If there is NO such presumption, why listen at all? Or, why pretend to listen when you're not?
26) As we turn back to finishing General Mac's interview, it is precisely that assumption, the presumption that he might be right which must guide us.

Be back in a bit...
27) Let me say it at the big picture level. General McInerney might be right. Our corrupted government might require all the steps we've logged from his guidance, in order to restore America's governing integrity.

He might be right.

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