12 Tips To Become A Mindful Person.

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1. Don't multitask.

- Do not switch attention between multiple tasks.

- It's not good for the brain. Perform one activity at a time.
2. Stay off your phone.

- Keep off technology when you are involved in other activities or around other people.

- Look around at your surroundings. Notice the details of anything that catches your eyes.
3. Focus on the positives.

- Being focused on the negatives is a normal human tendency.

- It prevents people from enjoying the positives.
4. Pause before reacting.

- Having habitual automatic reactions to difficult events, are not very helpful ways to respond.

- Choose a helpful response, rather than reacting automatically.

- Meditation strengthens this skill.
5. Watch your thoughts.

- Be aware of your thought patterns.

- Learn to notice when you are holding on to a negative thought and find ways to refocus on kindness and gratitude.
6. Pay attention to your breath.

- Scan through your body during the day and notice when you are tense and hold your breath.

- Focus on breathing to bring yourself to the present moment.
7. Focus on being a good listener.

- Being in the present moment, helps you to focus on others in the best possible way.
8. Be always curious.

- Bring this attitude with you through out the day.

- Curiosity leads you to get back in touch with the wonders and possibilities of life.
9. Hold your emotions lightly.

- Don't get wrapped up in your emotions.
10. Make peace with your imperfections.

- To be imperfect is to be human. Everyone has their own imperfections.

- Practice being in harmony with the wholeness of things. It avoids anxiety over your imperfections.
11. Understand that all things come and go.

- In life it is that nothing is permanent.

- Learn to savor every moment in this precious life.
12. Let go of toxic relationships.

- Understand to let go those relationships for your own mental well-being.

- Drama and toxic relationships do not foster a mindful environment.
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