Over the last 5 years, I’ve helped build courses taken by 40,000 students w/ $30M+ in revenue.

Today we’re launching a *free* cohort-based course on How to Build a CBC!

At the end of this, you’ll have a full course ready to launch.

Apply here: https://t.co/kp2vyBWE9K

Read on

A CBC on CBCs is a bit meta. But it's the best way to teach a complex topic that benefits from hands-on projects, peers, feedback.

@patel0phone and I have been working 1:1 w/all-star instructors (like @APompliano @lennysan). Now we're ready to apply these lessons to your course
Our system is proven yet flexible.

It's not one-size-fits-all. We teach underlying skills & create an accountability system so you build a course that's uniquely yours.

It’s the same process I’ve used for @alt_MBA @david_perell @fortelabs @section_four

Structure and accountability:

The course creation process is complex. There are lots of interconnected
decisions & second order effects.

We help you make sense of it with:

+ Step by step process
+ Clear deliverables
+ Feedback from us & peers
+ Gut checks
+ Weekly homework
On a weekly basis, you'll know what to work on and why--so you can efficiently & effectively create a high quality course you're proud of.

It's an iterative process to get ideas out of your head, share feedback, discuss, build, refine, lock it in. Piece by piece, brick by brick

By the end of this course, you’ll have a CBC that's ready to launch. We’ll cover:

What to build: Figuring out your audience & course brief

How to build: Group exercises, lectures, projects, even slides

How to sell: Building buzz for your course & filling seats
This isn’t our first rodeo. @patel0phone and I have over a decade of combined experience building these courses and most recently we’ve been helping 6 brilliant instructors build their courses.

This is just a taste of the types of questions we’ll help you answer:
Upside & freedom:

CBCs are not set it & forget it. They require work to build the first time; if you build it right, it’s easier to run in the future.

The upside: many courses I’ve worked on had 80-90%+ profit margins & premium pricing of $500-$5,000/student.
Avoid common and preventable mistakes:

You can certainly build a course faster or lower quality, and you might still fill your first few cohorts. But it’s hard to grow and scale with a shoddy foundation.

That’s why we spend MORE time upfront bc your CBC is an investment.
Leveraging the model:

Cohort-based courses are complex. There are lots more moving parts compared to pre-recorded, on-demand courses.

There’s a mix of live vs asynchronous. Coach-facilitated vs student-led. Solo vs group work. Too much or too little of one & students disengage

We believe in building courses that are modular--each course component can be reused & rearranged. The building blocks of CBCs are live lectures, small group discussions, projects/exercises, coaches, etc.

In a well-designed course you can mix & match w/minimal effort.
Design w/marketing in mind:

You have to constantly sell a student to make it to day 2, week 1, etc. The selling never ends. We help you reinforce the value students are getting because perceived value = value.

We focus on both curriculum & marketing bc they go hand in hand.
That’s why we build with student acquisition top of mind.

It’s easy to fill the first few cohorts. It’s cohort #4 - #100 that show whether you have course-market fit.

We’ll help you think about how to create a flywheel to drive new students.

Who is it for?

(a) You have a course (in-person workshop, recorded video course) but don't know how to turn it into an interactive CBC


(b) You’re a subject matter expert on a topic your audience already wants to learn from you
This is not for you if you...

+ Expect us to do all the work for you
+ Can’t commit to a rigorous schedule of 8-10 hours/week to produce your course
+ Are hard to coach and won’t take our advice
Time commitment:

~10 hrs/wk for 6-8 weeks. The course will kick off in April/May 2021.

Courses are an upfront investment--with a strong foundation you can scale easily for future cohorts.

Even w/a process it still takes a lot of work to create a successful CBC though
"Do it with you":

On the spectrum of "do it for you" to "do it yourself," our approach is "do it w/you." This means we provide the structure, advisory, course work, and milestones to help you stay accountable.

But YOU are ultimately responsible for the success of your course.
Community of top-notch creators & instructors:

We’re thoughtfully curating a cohort of course creators who you’ll build alongside, learn from, and support. These are folks who are at the top of their craft, humble, generous, and eager to contribute.

To recap, our CBC for CBCs will cover:

+ course-market fit
+ mechanics of your course
+ ideal student profile
+ course length
+ number of students
+ price point
+ hands-on projects
+ format
+ growth / student acquisition
+ lots more


The course is free. If you go thru it you'll be a beta customer for our new product. This product will be offered as a revenue-share.

We’ll invest signif effort in your course & you'll be part of our platform’s future launch. Will share details w/selected instructors
Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. If we believe you could be a good fit, we'll reach out to share the terms, timing, and details. You can think about it & decide if this is right for you.
Building your CBC is a big deal & I'm honored that you trust us. We've worked w/incredible folks to help build their courses, and every time, it's magic. You're in good hands & we're excited to help you build a course that's uniquely yours.

Apply here: https://t.co/kp2vyBWE9K

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