3 email sequence
1 week
A SUPER happy client

What did I do?

It's funny, I only changed one small thing

And my client had a face palm moment

But they knew that my "outsider's perspective" was what they needed

Here's what I did...

This client of mine was selling a high-ticket offer ($5,000 program)

They were having TERRIBLE click through rates on their emails

The product was super cool and their results were amazing

The emails didn't SUCK that bad

So I knew it was a strategy issue, not a copy thing...
These were the steps of the funnel:

Step 1: Email
Step 2: VSL
Step 3: Phone call
Step 4: Purchase
After digging in, this is the fatal mistake I found:

They were selling step 4 before they got to step 2

They used their emails to talk up the product before they ever got the prospect to the VSL
I took a few steps back

Revamped their emails to sell the click to the VSL

And all metrics went up 2x in just one week

We didn't continue working together so I don't know how much more money they made

But I know it's a lot based on the first week of data I received
The lesson here for marketers and business owners:

Don't get ahead of yourself

Let the funnel do the work for you

Don't sell step 4 before step 2 happens

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It was Ved Vyas who edited the eighteen thousand shlokas of Bhagwat. This book destroys all your sins. It has twelve parts which are like kalpvraksh.

In the first skandh, the importance of Vedvyas

and characters of Pandavas are described by the dialogues between Suutji and Shaunakji. Then there is the story of Parikshit.
Next there is a Brahm Narad dialogue describing the avtaar of Bhagwan. Then the characteristics of Puraan are mentioned.

It also discusses the evolution of universe.(
https://t.co/2aK1AZSC79 )

Next is the portrayal of Vidur and his dialogue with Maitreyji. Then there is a mention of Creation of universe by Brahma and the preachings of Sankhya by Kapil Muni.

In the next section we find the portrayal of Sati, Dhruv, Pruthu, and the story of ancient King, Bahirshi.
In the next section we find the character of King Priyavrat and his sons, different types of loks in this universe, and description of Narak. ( https://t.co/gmDTkLktKS )

In the sixth part we find the portrayal of Ajaamil ( https://t.co/LdVSSNspa2 ), Daksh and the birth of Marudgans( https://t.co/tecNidVckj )

In the seventh section we find the story of Prahlad and the description of Varnashram dharma. This section is based on karma vaasna.