5 ways to succeed in your youth

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I- Investment

Investment is a necessary factor for your good development.

If you want to grow your income, you will have to invest.
This step is not optional.

You are often told to save money, this is bullshit.

The value of your money will decrease every year.
II- Be fearless

Fear is man's worst enemy.

It gnaws at him until it makes him a docile person.
Risks must be part of your daily life.

If you don't take them, you don't move forward.

The best way to learn is to fail.
III- Read / Write

Reading and writing are two fabulous ways to improve your skills.

It's a rewarding process.
Reading gives your brain food for thought.

Writing will allow you to bring your thoughts to life.
IV- Learning

Education is necessary.

The acquisition of new skills are essential elements in your elevation.
Be careful however not to fall into mental masturbation.

Wanting to learn is a good thing, but it can quickly become a factor of procrastination.

Between learning and procrastination, there is only a small gap.
V- Self-criticism

Yes, you have to learn to spot the mistakes you make.

It is not a simple process at first, but it is necessary.
You have to constantly question yourself.

Remember, your ego is a camouflaged devil.

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