Thread - 8 habits of people that are going to accomplish anything they want:

1. Managing your energy, not your time

Motivation/discipline stems from having the energy to do something

Eat better, move more, and consume less mindless entertainment

Line up your most important tasks in the morning when your energy is highest
2. Spending time with winners

If you spend time with corporate drones you will become one

If you spend time with the opposite you will become one

There is a bit more to it, but you get the point
3. Reframing

Rather than seeing something as a problem, see it as a challenge

Rather than seeing a mistake as a failure, see it as an opportunity to grow
4. Teaching what you learn

This will help you master that topic quicker

It will also open up opportunities to earning money through your knowledge
5. Questioning your own thinking patterns

Being aware of how you think and react can help you avoid doing it in a destructive way
6. Listening to external feedback

If you do not refine and iterate according to feedback from the world you will remain stagnant
7. Maintaining a healthy relationship with fear

Freezing when you encounter the slightest bit of fear is not good

Everyone experiences fear, those that accept it and keep moving will win
8. Understanding your feelings but not acting on them

Emotional decisions are rarely good

Act according to your values and mission instead

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