ORT. Final chapter Atto XXVIII
"And into the Forest I go, to lose my Mind and find my Soul" J. Muir
When we approach the end of a Cycle the undercurrents of the secret realm of Mysteries and Enchantment begin to stir from their slumber, eager to flow once again. It is our longing

for that indefinite something more growing within us, urging us to shed the Grey taint of conformity. Suddenly, in a day like any other day, something changes within us. We no longer feel blinded in a shadow of mundane tasks, but instead we begin to question our surroundings,
the received truth and most importantly, our reality. "What is the point of it all?" that is the question. Our social interactions now feel like a fictional narrative, scripted, fake, unsatisfactory. Our minds begin craving a different outlook, a fresh start. A desire to know.
Our mind begin to change, our brain fires up new mysterious pathways and questions spring copiously searching for answers. But what happens when you start questioning your reality? You wake up from the induced dream state. The yokes of indoctrination start to loosen up. Breathe.
You have taken the first step on your path to spiritual awakening.
Awakening isn’t just a lifestyle switch, it’s a transmutation of the mental, emotional, spiritual and the physical body. These experiences inevitably start changing our life and the philosophy of existence itself.
Before we are even aware we are experiencing awakening our body is preparing ourselves for the changes subconsciously. We start to become more sensitive towards our environments. We begin to crave detoxes and the various ways to start cleaning up our life. The cleansing has begun
Your energy vibrations start to change and your body density decreases. You are experiencing the reaction of your immune system, your organism releases exosomes to get rid of the toxins, just like flu symptoms, your body is telling you to slow down and rest.
The old paradigm must be abandoned. You might feel necessary to clean or create more space within the home, remove objects, old habits or people from your life. You have an intense desire to purify yourself in every possible way. You are peeking behind the veil and it's scary.
To be continued. Good night.
You must imagine yourself in the state of your innermost desire and clear your mind of the cacophony that surrounds you.

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