and its Chairperson is talking about all crises in #Africa, but no word so far on the genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity being committed in his backyard. (1/22)


At a time when clear evidence of horrific acts of crimes against humanity, war crimes, and elements of genocide are emerging from #Tigray, the @SolomonADersso and
@achpr_cadhp are issuing statements on #Uganda and another crisis? (2/22)

Silence by @achpr_cadhp constitutes not only an endorsement of the genocidal war waged against the people of #Tigray, but it also violates the core principle and provisions of the African Union Constitutive Act. (3/22)

As @AUC_MoussaFaki's utter failure to respect and ensure respect of basic human rights of #Tigrayans, which are grossly and systemically violated by #Amhara militia, Abiy’s #Ethiopian and Isaias's #Eritrean armed forces. (4/22)
The African Union's responsibility under the Constitutive Act Article 4 is clear that African Union is to intervene in a member state if necessarily deploying peace operation where the government or any other forces commit a crime against humanity, a war crime, (5/22)
or the crime of genocide. When is @achpr_cadhp going to issue a statement? Or under the lackey @SolomonADersso no chance for the @achpr_cadhp to stand its ground and face facts? (6/22)
Now #Tigray is a war zone full of a corps of soldiers littered roads, civilian killings, pillages of unimaginable proportions, and catastrophic humanitarian crisis with more than two million new IDPs and more than sixty thousand refugees. (7/22)

Western #Tigray has fallen under Abiy's forces and militias from the Amhara regional state that are administering swaths of territories of Tigray. Though disputed by the #Amhara regional state, these areas were under the legal administration of #Tigray, and are now handed (8/22)
over to #Amhara regional state appointees. This is a public knowledge with no need of verification as @AbiyAhmedAli's administration and the #Amhara regional state proudly announce and have been in competition to take credit for the invasion of #Tigray. (9/22)
The #AfricanUnion Commission, like the other diplomatic missions in #Ethiopia, receives information concerning the widespread killings and the pillage of public and private property committed by Isaias Afwerki forces of #Eritrea and #Amhara militia. (10/22)
The violations of the fundamental rights of #Eritrean refugees is also well evidenced. In this regard too, there is no paucity of information. These facts disprove all pretenses under law enforcement, the government claims to do and may constitute a grave violation of (11/22)
customary International Humanitarian Law. Under international law, civilian administrations are supposed to stay intact until hostilities end. This also has the potential to elongate the conflict and strengthen ethnic animosity between #Tigray and #Amhara. (12/22)
@achpr_cadhp silence reveals z absolute failure of AU institutions and its subservient chairperson @SolomonADersso in meeting its responsibilities to protect civilians. Instead, it has prioritized second term concerns over the human security of the common African person. (13/22)
Or is @SolomonADersso legitimizing his Amhara cousins, that of @AbiyAhmedAli's and Isaias's armed forces to continue their heinous crimes against #Tigrayans and close to 100 thousand #Eritrean refugees. (14/22)

@AUC_MoussaFaki, the Chairperson of the #AfricanUnion Commission to the 38th Extraordinary Summit in which he characterized the genocidal war on #Tigray regional state and its people as "bold steps to preserve the unity, stability, and respect for the constitutional (15/22)
order of the country which is legitimate for all states." Does @AUC_MoussaFaki's statement represent the position of the current Chairperson of the #AfricanUnion, @_AfricanUnion, HE @CyrilRamaphosa? (16/22)
@AUC_MoussaFaki's constitutes not only an endorsement of the genocidal war waged against the people of #Tigray, but it also violates the core principle and provisions of the #AfricanUnion Constitutive Act. (17/22)
@AUC_MoussaFaki has utterly failed to respect and ensure respect of basic human rights of #Tigrayans, which are grossly and systemically violated by the #Amhara militia, @AbiyAhmedAli's #Ethiopian, and Isaias's #Eritrean armed forces. The African Union's responsibility (18/22)
under the Constitutive Act, Article 4 is clear that African Union is to intervene in a member state if necessarily deploying peace operation where the government or any other forces commit a crime against humanity, a war crime, or the crime of genocide. (19/22)
.@AbiyAhmedAli's administration has bluntly denied the presence of foreign forces aiding his war on #Tigray. It is beyond dispute that Isaias Afwerki of #Eritrea's forces has invaded #Tigray in violation of international law. (20/22)
In the absence of an official invitation, this would constitute an invasion of #Tigray by #Eritrea in violation of all international and African Union laws. Even if @AbiyAhmedAli's administration extended an invitation, this would amount to active treason. (21/22)
Given that Eritrean involvement was ascertained early on, the African Union failed to treat this war as a regional one and strongly condemned it accordingly. (22/22)



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