In court on the Aloha Coffee case, in which owner has refused to abide by mask rules, distancing rules. He’s telling the judge his rights are being violated and so is the Constitution.

“I have the right, the constitutional right, and a constitutional right can’t be converted to a crime. I do not consent to these hearings. I’m not going to be steamrolled.” Says he’s going to file a criminal case against the judge and DA.
He’s going to file, he says, with everyone from local DA and sheriff and the US Attorney. Judge Lydia Villarreal is being remarkably patient with him.
The point of today’s hearing is to decide whether a restraining order will become a preliminary injunction. He’s been operating without a health certificate since it was pulled in December.
“There’s no evidence of any wrongdoing on my part,” he says. Did I mention the part about the judge being patient? She’s being waaaay patient with him. He tried to disqualify her but doesn’t have an attorney and doesn’t know how to do it lawfully.
DA is speaking, he starts semi-yelling, “I object, I object.” DA points out he has had many opps to hire a lawyer and has refused, says she was not properly served by him.
“These are codes, these are not laws,” Aloha owner says. Judge: I understand you’re not an attorney, but the way the system works is she provides her evidence and you provide yours ... “She has no evidence, ma’am.”
Judge continues: I would just like you to tell me whatever it is you want me to know. Aloha owner says the DA is making up laws.
Owner argues the way he is operating his business doesn’t endanger the public and all of the charges in the citation are based on heresay. “I’ve followed all the guidance,“ but says he won’t force people to wear masks if they have a medical condition.
“I don’t discriminate against disabilities,” he says. “I’ve done everything I possibly can without breaking the law...I’m actually abiding by the law and I’m curious why there’s no law mentioned here. I want the law, not a code.”
“My evidence is clear: all their evidence and witnesses are blacked out. They have no evidence and they have no witnesses. This is all based on heresay.”
He again argues his Constitutional rights are being violated. He says the citation process brought by DA/Health Department is improper, they haven’t reached the level of permit revocation. “How is this evidence when I have zero citations.“ Says he issued his own citations...
Based on fact and says the DA is committing perjury. Judge: “Anything else you’d like me to consider?” Him: “That’s all at this time.” Revocation of his health permit was based on investigation and first hand observation of mask violations.
DA is striking her request to turn off the water because it’s shared line. Aloha has separate electricity it’s believed but PG&E won’t confirm it without the owner’s approval.
Judge is offering to file paperwork for him (again, remarkably patient considering...) She’s asking about an 11-page declaration he submitted as well as a motion to claim and exercise Constitutionally secured rights.
That motion is 4 pages, then there’s a motion to vacate judgment. Sir, you’re entitled to a trial on this matter, judge tells him. Would you like me to set that today?
Trial date is a year and a half out. She’s not sure he’s entitled to a jury trial in this matter, suggests he speak to an attorney.
“The court is not allowed to give you legal advice. You need to decide what’s best for you.”
Court orders parties back for case management conference on May 11, 2021 at 9am.

More from Legal

THREAD: Okay. I'm about to get SUPER space beans tin foil hat on you, so stop reading if you're not into that. Based on what we're learning from public reporting, the pentagon curtailed the response to the trump coup. 1/

We also know from video and public reporting that there were two groups that stormed the capitol. 1) weird-ass bystanders and 2) possibly armed ex-military members with tactical gear and flex cuffs 2/

We also know there was a failed coup attempt in Venezuela orchestrated by Giuliani and former members of Blackwater, an Erik Prince joint. 3/

We also know that Giuliani met with Brian Benczkowski and Bill Barr to lobby for for help to go easy on his Venezuelan pal. Benczkowski is a former Alfa Bank rep. 4/

Further, we know that Erik Prince is the brother of Betsy DeVos (who JUST resigned) and the former head of Blackwater. We also know that the day before the insurrection, a memo was sent out to knee-cap the federal police in DC. 5/
More severe police injuries and deaths on that one day of rampaging Trumpers than in five years of Anti-Police protests.

You can tell a lot about the stance of a angry crowd by whether they come with shields or pitchforks.

If people protesting police brutality for years had wanted to use their large numbers to attack, maim and kill police, they damn well could have.

But they came to resist police.

Which is completely different.

Why did the police suffer more at the hands of those who claimed to support them and waved their flags than at the hands of those who think they should be defunded or abolished?

Because one group is literally arguing for human dignity and the other glorifies violence.

The people who uncritically support police brutality are those who believe that instrumental violence should be a standard tool in response to those standing opposed to you.

Once you accept that... WHO is standing opposed to you doesn't matter much.

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The entire discussion around Facebook’s disclosures of what happened in 2016 is very frustrating. No exec stopped any investigations, but there were a lot of heated discussions about what to publish and when.

In the spring and summer of 2016, as reported by the Times, activity we traced to GRU was reported to the FBI. This was the standard model of interaction companies used for nation-state attacks against likely US targeted.

In the Spring of 2017, after a deep dive into the Fake News phenomena, the security team wanted to publish an update that covered what we had learned. At this point, we didn’t have any advertising content or the big IRA cluster, but we did know about the GRU model.

This report when through dozens of edits as different equities were represented. I did not have any meetings with Sheryl on the paper, but I can’t speak to whether she was in the loop with my higher-ups.

In the end, the difficult question of attribution was settled by us pointing to the DNI report instead of saying Russia or GRU directly. In my pre-briefs with members of Congress, I made it clear that we believed this action was GRU.