Thread time (SORRY!) I've been thinking about Chris Stanton, one of the individuals who was arrested for being involved in the Capital insurrection, who died by suicide. How does a - seemingly - regular guy throw his entire life away to help commit an act of terror? 1/?

We need to address the rot that goes well beyond Trump. As someone who voted Republican back when these games started, I know their playbook by heart. I know they use fear to mobilize. I’m angry that so many Republicans will walk away from this with their career unscathed. 2/?
They're coming for your guns!
Trans story time!
They hate America!
They want to allow the murder of newborns!
Immigrants are going to take your jobs & rape your women!
Refugees = terrorists!
The media hates you!
You can't say Christmas!

And on and on and on.... 3/?
Nancy Mace mentioned the dangers of rhetoric the other day w/o acknowledging her part in this. Separating herself from an out of control fire after she’d been stoking it. And she’s far from alone. Rubio, Cruz, Haley, [insert hundreds of names] have all had a hand in this. 4/?
Men like Chris Stanton listened to the fear mongering, then he had Trump reaffirming it all, and an entire party lining up behind whatever beliefs brought them increased funding reaffirming it all. They told supporters to fight, they sold them on “war,” 5/?
burning newspapers and posing with guns, telling followers that the left hates their way of life, and sending them emails saying “PATRIOT WE NEED YOU!” and "We are all that stands between the USA and socialism!" Beyond inciting violence, this has also torn families apart. 6/?
This is what happens when your 'news' sources are able to convince you the left wants to make pedophilia legal -- you end up storming into a building where your fellow patriots are dressed literally like animals and smear their own feces on the walls. 7/?
You are so afraid of dead communists returning from the grave to burn your MAGA hats and give your kids free healthcare, that you order pipe bomb supplies for curbside pick up at Menards because God forbid you're asked to wear a mask. 8/?
And even after all this, DURING THE ATTACK ON THE CAPITAL, many Republicans were still refusing to wear masks, to care about their fellow human beings, because "FREEDOM" or something. They were still determined to keep up this nonsensical war on decency. 9/?
B4 you say “both sides...,” of course both sides play politics. There’s a difference between saying "they're going to take all your guns!" & saying a fascist leader will encourage insurrection. One of those things has been threated for years, the other just came to fruition.10/?
There's a difference between a terrifying truth and a terrifying lie. For example: Telling people that Democrats want the right to murder fully developed and healthy babies is a terrifying lie. Saying that Trumpism encourages violence is a terrifying truth. 11/?
They’ve dehumanized immigrants, minorities, and anyone who opposes their policies. They've convinced these people that a literal war is always around the corner, and their media is even worse. Breitbart News, The Federalist, Red State, Fox News, and on and on... 12/?
Now their supporters are showing up to war because the GOP set this party up to be run by a madman, and now when they pull the trigger of a gun loaded by these politicians and go to war all these instigators act like they weren't part of the problem, that it was all Trump. 13/?
So yeah, it’s unsurprising that some of these people are going to walk out & realize they're now abandoned, & to protect themselves, the people they trusted will call them “terrorists,” and the their leader is being reduced to nothing. Of course they're going to feel lost.14/?
I get being happy that some are doing the right thing, but the blood has been spilled, & if we don't address the rot & the rhetoric we'll just end up with another Trump. So I guess my point in all this is to say that the GOP as a whole needs to be held accountable after DT.15/?
Calls of unity are fine and dandy (and for many awfully convenient), but 6 people are dead, families are torn apart, the damage is done. If we don't learn from this and change things, it's just going to happen again. 16/16

More from Legal

A detention hearing is about to start in federal court in Arkansas in the case of Richard Barnett, the man photographed sitting in Nancy Pelosi's office (see: He's been in custody since his arrest

Prosecutors alleged Barnett was carrying a stun gun. He's charged with entering a restricted area w/ a weapon, violent entry/disorderly conduct, and theft. There isn't anything on the docket indicating what the govt/Barnett will be seeking as far as detention v. release

We're still waiting for the Richard Barnett detention hearing to start in Arkansas. Meanwhile, follow @o_ema for updates on initial appearances in DC federal court today for a few of the Capitol insurrection arrestees -->

Richard Barnett's detention hearing is underway in Arkansas — Judge Erin Wiedemann will decide if Barnett should stay behind bars. The first witness is FBI special agent Jonathan Willett, who was involved in the Capitol riot investigation

FBI agent walks the judge through surveillance videos that the agent says show Barnett walking in and out of Nancy Pelosi's office, with a "walking stick Taser" on his hip, as well as the widely disseminated photos of Barnett sitting in Pelosi's chair with his feet up

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Nano Course On Python For Trading
Module 1

Python makes it very easy to analyze and visualize time series data when you’re a beginner. It's easier when you don't have to install python on your PC (that's why it's a nano course, you'll learn python...

... on the go). You will not be required to install python in your PC but you will be using an amazing python editor, Google Colab Visit

This course is for anyone out there who is confused, frustrated, and just wants this python/finance thing to work!

In Module 1 of this Nano course, we will learn about :

# Using Google Colab
# Importing libraries
# Making a Random Time Series of Black Field Research Stock (fictional)

# Using Google Colab

Intro link is here on YT:

Create a new Notebook at and name it AnythingOfYourChoice.ipynb

You got your notebook ready and now the game is on!
You can add code in these cells and add as many cells as you want

# Importing Libraries

Imports are pretty standard, with a few exceptions.
For the most part, you can import your libraries by running the import.
Type this in the first cell you see. You need not worry about what each of these does, we will understand it later.