As a lifelong student of law, I am trained to check everything thrice and still leave myself wiggle room.

I am, therefore, surprised by people’s chutzpah in holding forth about (even specialised) matters about which they have zero knowledge or experience –or qualifications: +

I have been 'found short and marked up' by several assorted engineers ,chartered accountants & businessmen (in each case with 0 legal qualifications)* on the standard ‘England and Wales’ governing law clause-which has been boldly 'corrected' to 'UK law' , +
and in one case, believe it or not, the ‘kings’ law’(the Apostrophe too as placed!)

*Incidentally, besides professional legal qualifications and many years of International Project Finance legal experience, I have a distinction in Private International Law (that deals with+
governing law clauses) from one of England's top universities.

My English language skills have been found 'wanting' by the European CEO of a leading EPC Contractor who informed me : ‘The English no goood’ .+
This gentleman’s standard letter ‘in English’ consists of throwing in a few words and relying on the reader’s goodwill - to supply all connecting grammar. +
But what stung the most was being 'taken to task' by a gentleman -whose mother tongue is Marathi and who reads Urdu in the Devanagari and not its original script-on my Urdu pronunciation of what he said was Faiz’s ‘gazal’ : ‘mujh se pehli si mohabbat meray mehboob na maang’. +
He went on to give me a DEVASTATING ‘reading’ - which broke every Urdu speaking* ‘ahle – zaban’ bone in my body and rendered me completely speechless-in any known language.+
* I descend from ‘an entrenched’ Urdu speaking ahle -zaban ('speaker and keepers' of Urdu) background - even the simplest mispronunciation of the full throat qāf (common enough even among Urdu speakers) registers a jarring note to my fine tuned years.
ears and years😂

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