Supreme Court hears the writ petition filed by CPI Rajya Sabha MP Binoy Viswam @BinoyViswam1 seeking data protection measures for Unified Payments Interface (UPI).

Krishnan Venugopal for Binoy Viswam : The system of Whatsapp is not secure. Whatsapp is using the platform of the messenger service to allow payments.

Krishnan Venugopal refers to the 'Pegasus' issue to argue that Whatsapp's system is not safe and secure.

Krishnan Venugopal : Another issue is data localization. Problem with whatsapp, amazon & google is that when they allow payment to happen, data goes abroad. RBI justifies this process by saying that it is fine for data of Indians to go abroad without any formal protection.
Krishnan Venugopal : Critical financial data is allowed to be accessed by companies abroad and RBI justifies it. This is violation of Privacy judgment as my data is being grossly misused as these companies then collect this data and use it for advertisement purposes.
Krishanan Venugopal : All the data is being shared with the parent companies in violation of the NPCI guidelines. The data is being processed by the infrastructure of the parent company.
Krishnan Venugopal : Respondents have allowed Whatsapp, even when the case is pending, to go ahead and share this data with companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook etc without any circular or formal regulation
CJI tells Sibal (for Whatsapp) : Mr. Krishnan Venugopal made a serious allegation that your (Whatsapp) can be hacked by something called 'Pegasus'.

Sibal : Absolutely baseless. There is no such pleading. It is just an oral submission made across the bar without basis.
Krishnan Venugopal : This (Pegasus issue) has been reported in newspapers.

CJI : You make the statement on affidavit.

K Venugopal : It is on affidavit.

The bench to take up the matter on the 4th week of January.

NPCI asked to file reply.

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@littlecarrotq I've been tracking these since December. Michigan




Another Pennsylvania case. This is the most important one in my opinion. It shows the Republican Legislature broke the law when they created a mail-in ballot law in October, 2019, which they knew was against the state
We need to talk about the 'expert' witness statement evidence led by Ms Bell in her successful case before the Tavistock. THREAD

You can see who gave evidence in her support from these extracts from the Tavistock's Skeleton Argument.

Helpful for you to bear in mind that her solicitor was a man called Paul Conrathe, who has a long association with the religious right in the US (I have talked about him a number of times but this is as good a starting point as any).

I am not going to address here other criticisms that might be made of the form in which that evidence was given or the timing of its service before the court. I am just going to address, in alphabetical order, the individuals whose evidence Mr Conrathe led on Ms Bell's behalf.

The first witness, alphabetically, was Associate Professor of Sociology at the University of Oxford, Michael Biggs.

Mr Biggs was exposed for posting transphobic statements online under a fake twitter handle: @MrHenryWimbush according to this report.

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